Rambus Chartology is Back



Welcome to this temporary site for Rambus Chartology .

It is open to all to view for the time being while we sort out all issues .

Only Rambus and Admins will be posting here .


Forum :

We encourage all Forum Posters and Lurkers to go to Goldtent http://goldtadise.com/ and use that excellent public forum to communicate and discuss issues while a new Chartology Forum is being recreated. If you do not have a registered user name and password there email Fullgoldcrown at gmag@live.ca and I will set you up as we have disabled the registration button there for now as a security precaution.


Here is a recap of what we know

1…Our site was destroyed by professional hackers .

2…There were 4 Paid members who joined the site for the purpose of taking it down .

3…Initially we thought our wordpress program was hacked due to a security breach in a wordpress update . And this may have been true initially BUT….

4…The destroyers actually hacked into the Server at our hosting site itself . Because of this we were helpless . For 2 weeks , Webmaster Audept fought the culprits tooth and nail. But he could not turn off their access because as it turns out they had acquired the super root password to the server . This is a serious breach at our webhosting company .They have finally confirmed this .

5…The perps had the audacity to contact us and offer their webhosting services for a fee !…We have reported this to the Authorities at Computer Fraud along with proof and some strong leads which will soon lead to their prosecution .

6…This temporary website was built on a new server with the utmost concern for security.

7..Paypal has assured us all credit card info is safe and secure at their site and NONE of that information existed on the Rambus Server. We have confirmed this independently .

8….We are researching all options for a new webhosting service with Support and Security a top priority…Anybody with a recommendation please contact us at the above email address . We expect to be back with fully functioning Rambus Chartology and Chartology Forum sites within a week or two , complete with a remote backup site .

9…We will be offering 1 month rebates to all members upon request once the site is back up .

10…A heartfelt thank you to all who expressed your goodwill and understanding and support during this confusing and difficult situation. We are truly a community here . We have been in operation for 4 years . We have heard from other commercial sites that hacking is a way of life and we have been fortunate that this is our first experience. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger .

11…Rambus is itching to get back at his desk and will be posting here as soon as possible . This Temporary Site will be an open site so no log in necessary for the time being .

12..This Post will remain at the top of the page for now. Please Scroll Down to See Rambus Posts.

Questions …. gmag@live.ca


Thanks for your patience and Understanding..All For One and One for All…

Dave , Todd . Laveta and Gary