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Fully (Editor)

Wednesday Report…Mr Market Throws Mr Goldbug a Wicked Curveball !

In tonight’s report I would like to show you some charts from different areas of the markets that might shed some light on what is happening with the precious metals complex. The last three weeks or so have been a little complicated with the dollar showing weakness along with the precious metals and their stocks.

Normally when you see a weak US dollar that is generally a good time to be long gold and silver. This has been anything but the case so far over the last three weeks. Below is a daily chart of the UUP dollar etf, that shows the somewhat complex topping pattern made back in the summer months of this year. If you recall we went long the model portfolio stocks at the end of July and the first part of August that led to some nice gains as the dollar was falling. The dollar then bottomed out in September and October with a nice little double bottom formation.

That started the correction for the PM complex that looked like that’s all it would be, just a correction in a new uptrend. I did a post when the UUP put in the island reversal saying at the time, that this would be good for the precious metals complex and to expect the next leg up to begin anytime.This is the point where the market threw us a curve ball that took a week or so to finally figure this time ” WAS DIFFERENT” at least over the near term.

With the decline off the island reversal, to our most recent low today, one would have thought the precious metals were back in rally mode but that was not the case.Today the UUP hit the previous lows made back in September and October as the precious metals complex is probing lower lows.

We are now at a place where we could see some type of bounce in the UUP that I’ll be watching very carefully along with the precious metals complex to see if this divergence continues to defy the normal expectations between the dollar and the precious metals complex.

uup day

Lets take a quick look at the euro that is showing a possible inverse H&S bottom. We can expect a backtest to the neckline now down to the 130.60 area where we will see if the euro rally is for real. If the euro can bounce there the US dollar will continue to be weak. How that affects the precious metals complex is still up in the air until we see the normal expectations come back in play again.


Lets now look at the combo chart that I’ve been showing you that shows the HUI, gold and silver. I first showed you this combo chart when gold finally broke below the bottom red trendline in the brown shaded area. As you can see the HUI actually broke down way before gold and silver as shown by the purple dashed vertical line. Now however, after silver being the strongest of the three, its now leading the way lower while the HUI has been holding up the best. The bottom line is all three are in confirmed downtrends at the moment.


There is something taking place that alot of investors in the US are missing and that is a world wide stock market rally that has been in place for the last several months or so. I know its hard to believe, with all the negative press about the European economies being in the dumps, that they could be rallying. The first chart is the EUR, European top 100 etf that shows a nice big triangle that has broken out and just completed a backtest.

euprpean etr

Remember all the negative press on Spain? At the height of negativity is when this index was putting in a double bottom. This week it has broken out of a little bull flag and looks set to go higher in the near term.


Italy was another basket case but has been showing considerable strength since the summer double bottom.


This next etf shows the emerging markets breaking out of a two year triangle with a backtest already completed.


This next etf, VEU shows the world stock markets minus the US markets that could influence the chart as the US markets have been some of the strongest stock markets in the world.


What these charts are telling us is that at least for the intermediate term the world looks like it’s not going to go to hell in a hand basket right away. So is this the cause for the weakness in the precious metals complex? Money is flowing into the world stock markets instead of the precious metals. Also as long as the world stock markets stay strong will that put pressure on the PM complex regardless of which way the dollar moves? For the time being this is how I”m going to  view the intermarket relationship with the US dollar and the precious metals complex until something changes. All the best…Rambus




Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site where you can watch Rambus follow the markets on a daily basis and learn a great deal of Hands on Chartology from Rambus Tutorials and Question and Answeres .
Most Members are Staunch Goldbugs who have seen Rambus in action from the 2007 to 2008 period at www.goldtent.org and now Here at Rambus Chartology since early 2012 .


To review his Work and incredible calls from the 2007-2008 period click on the top right sidebar in the “Wizard of Rambus” ….”What If !!” Post
To Follow Rambus Unique Unbiased Chart Work and participate in a Chartology Form with questions and answeres and learn the Art and Science and Mindset of a Pro Trader please Join us by subscribing monthly for $29.99 at
We have many subscribers from all over the world who are glad they did as they enjoy the many daily updates and commentaries provided at this exciting new site
As you will see Rambus (Dave) has prepared us for this difficult period by being one of the only ones to see and warn about the incredibly debilitating PM smackdown as early as Jan 2 2012 …click on the” HUI Diamond in the Rough” Post in the “Wizard of Rambus” top right
More Recently Rambus called a Bottom in HUI in this post…and has had subscribers on board for a Powerful Run to the Upside

folloewd again by his timely bearish call in this SLV Update which had us on the sidelines and or short


What is he seeing Now ?
You will find Rambus to be a calm humble down home country tutor with an incredible repitoir of all the TA based protocols tempered with his own one of a kind style…simply put…He wants to keep his subscribers on the right side of these crazy volitile and downright dangerous markets
See you at the Rambus Chartology

AG Update…

We can now add AG to the other precious metals stocks that have broken down from their topping patterns. This morning AG gapped below the bottom rail of a 5 point diamond top pattern that has been forming for several months now. The chart below shows you exactly how a breakout looks. Note the breakout gap and the long bar that shows today’s price action. Its still early in the day but you can see the volume bar at the bottom of the chart where I put a red arrow that will probably be much bigger by the end of the day. Its possible that AG does a backtest to the bottom blue rail before the move down begins in earnest. No guarantee  tho. Again another surprise to the downside for a precious metals stock which isn’t indicative of a bull market.



Wednesday Report…Take The Bait or Should You Wait ?

In this Wednesday Report I’m going to show you a lot of charts of which some are positive and some negative. Today was a day where alot of investors felt compelled to buy strictly out of emotional reasons. Like a lure going by a big fat Largemouth Bass, the temptations was too great to resist. Maybe today marked the bottom for the PM complex or maybe not. Its still to early to say yet, with any amount of confidence, that the BOTTOM is in. Keep in mind that I want nothing more than for the precious metals stocks to rally big time and clear out some of the overhead resistance that was created on the last leg down. Its so much more fun when a true impulse leg up is in full gear to the upside and the PM stocks are making one new high after another. With that said lets start with some charts of the precious metals complex starting with a combo chart that shows the HUI, GOLD and SILVER.

The brown shaded area shows our current trading area that topped out in September of this year. If you look at the last bar on the far right hand side of the chart you can see today’s price action that shows the HUI, on top, being the strongest followed by silver, at the bottom of the chart, which had a good day and then gold in the middle that closed at the lower end of today’s bar. The first real positive development would be for the HUI and Silver to close above their bottom red trendlines.

Next lets look at a daily chart of gold that shows the H&S top that was formed in September and October of this year. The H&S top fell about 5 points short of reaching it’s price objective at 1665 before it had a counter trend rally that took on the form of the red bearish rising wedge. You can see the backtest to the neckline was a tad strong  but it quickly reversed course and the bottom rail of the red bearish rising wedge was broken to the downside. On the third day of the breakout of the red bearish rising wedge it too had a backtest where the price action fell to our most recent bottom just above the 300 dma. You can see the 4 day counter trend rally that has been in place including today’s bar where the close was at the lower end of the bar. So what this chart is showing us is we have a H&S top reversal pattern with a bearish rising wedge trapped in the downtrend channel at this time which isn’t all that bullish.

Lets step back and look at a 1 1/2 year chart that shows the big rectangle that started to form on the initial break off the all time high at 1920. This chart shows you why the H&S top, on the chart above, shows up where it does. It formed right at the top rail of the rectangle. Please observe how the price action, from the first low in the rectangle at 1530, is stretching out in time. You can see how the first decline was very dramatic taking just a few days to complete. The countertrend rally back up was also very fast, points #1 and #2. Notice how long the second leg down took, points #4 and #5. The last rally phase between points #5 and #6 took much longer to complete then the first two rallies which brings us up to our current decline. You can see the blue downtrend channel that has been forming since the H&S top at point #6. The swings are getting longer in time, both up and down, which cause alot more stress on investors who are use to the fast moves between the top and bottom rails of the rectangle earlier on. The price action is stretching out meaning the volatility is lessening which is what you want to see as a price pattern matures out. Like dropping a super ball on the floor, the first bounce is hard and fast and as it keeps bouncing up and down it starts to loose momentum. The formation of a consolidation pattern is the same principal.

The next chart shows the fanlines that are taken off the all time high at 1920. The rule is when fanline #3 is taken out to the upside the rally will begin in earnest after one possible backtest. Note the green circle in the center of the chart that shows how gold broke out of fanline #2 with a nice backtest before price went higher. Note the 300 dma that held support on the last low.

Lets now look at several longer term gold charts that are showing support is still holding. I like to use the 10 month moving average when looking at the monthly chart. You can see on the chart below the 10 month moving average came in at 1686 and the low so far for the month of December has been 1684. So far so good.

The next chart is a six month time cycle chart that has done a good job of calling the bottoms over the last several years. You can see its calling for a low around the 17th of December. You can also see the green 65 wma comes in at 1674 which has also done a good job of holding support. It has only failed when we get a big correction like 2008 and our current correction.

This next chart shows the price action still holding above the parabolic curve, ever so slightly. Critical test taking place right now.

The next chart shows the important chart patterns that have formed during this bull market. You can see how critical this area is for the continuation of the parabolic move to continue.

This last chart I would like to show you has the 3 most important moving averages for gold during this bull market. The blue circle shows you how they are all converging within 10 points of each other. This is another critical test taking place right now.

Lets now look at some charts of the precious metals stock indexes and see how they are shaping up. The first chart I would like to show you is the daily look at the GDX that is showing two possibilities right now. The first thing we have to look at and is most important is the 5 point blue bearish falling wedge that is a REVERSAL  pattern to the downside. That is the most important feature on the chart below at this time. Since its a reversal pattern we have to see some kind of reversal pattern form at the bottom to reverse our current downtrend back to up. As you can see with today’s price action GDX traded almost all the way back up to the bottom blue rail of the bearish falling wedge for the second backtest. This is where it gets real interesting. Note the two red trendlines. One that has formed on the neckline symmetry rail and the other has formed just below the bottom blue rail of the bearish falling wedge. What we have going on here is a possible red bearish falling flag or if the neckline symmetry rail can hold in here it could be a double bottom that is forming the low for the right shoulder. So choose your poison. One side is going to win out.

This next chart shows the HUI and the double bottom hump that comes in at 465, black dashed horizontal rail. That is the key area to focus on. Above positive and below negative.

This last chart shows you why the 465 is so critically important for the precious metals stocks. If the HUI can trade above that area it will negate the very bearish H&S top that has been forming for 3 years now. This is why the goldbugs are so frustrated now. We haven’t had a decent impulse leg up in a very long time.

I’m going to stop here so I can get this posted before it gets too late. I know many of you are probably frustrated with me right now because I didn’t jump on the bandwagon today. That’s OK as I need to see some more positive action before I commit to the model portfolio which is still in cash. Cash might seem like a good position down the road if things don’t turn around soon. The bottom line is today’s price action felt like the real thing to many gold bugs but as the charts show we aren’t quite out of the woods yet. How many times have we experienced days like today and then see everything fall apart a few days latter. If today was just a short covering rally then there will be more pain for those that jumped the gun today IMHO. Patience is a hard thing to learn and today was a good example of how easy it is to just throw caution to the wind and jump in with both feet. Maybe today was the bottom or maybe it was just a stopping off point for further downside action. We’ll know shortly I believe. Stay strong. All the best…Rambus

SLV Update…12-12-12

I’ve been watching the 60 minute chart for SLV that is at a critical area right here. SLV just hit the neckline symmetry rail for a possible right shoulder of H&S top pattern that could be part of a bigger unbalanced double top.

This next chart shows the small double top that was made back in September and the red uptrend channel that broke out to the downside 8 days ago. I’ve connected both tops with a blue downtrend rail that intersects around the 33.15 area. If SLV can trade above that area that would be a bullish sign as it would be making a higher high. There are still two unfilled gaps down at the 28 and 29 area that still may get filled at some point in time.

This next chart shows what everybody is watching right now. Its the uptrend channel with the possible red triangle forming. The top of the red triangle comes in at 33.15. The question is will it be a 4 point consolidation pattern to the upside or will the price reverse at 33.15 for a 5th reversal point making the red triangle a reversal pattern?

Below is another possible triangle that could be forming that is much bigger than the one above. Its alittle more symmetrical in appearance. Again, the 33.15 area is a critical place to watch on the top blue rail.

Apple Computer…

The reason I’m showing you this stock is because it has the highest market cap of any stock in the world I believe. Not to long ago I read something to the affect that it could be the first stock to have a trillion dollar market cap. It remained me of the late 90’s when I read that. Tech stocks were going ballistic to the upside even stocks that had no earnings to speak of.

Below is a daily chart of Apple Computer that I haven’t shown in awhile. This stock shows up in alot of the stock market indexes and plays a big roll in how they move both up and down. Notice the head portion of the bigger H&S top formation. That is a small H&S top that reversed the parabolic run. It doesn’t look like much but it was significant in turning Apple around from up to down. Many times you will see a small H&S top that is just part of a bigger H&S pattern further down the road.

The weekly look really puts the H&S top into perspective. Note the black uptrend rail off the 2009 bottom and how the price went parabolic starting at  the end of 2011. The price basically doubled in 6 to 8 months which is an unsustainable run. What makes this H&S top pattern a little more ominous looking is that the right shoulder couldn’t make it up to the neckline symmetry rail and fell way short. If one of the best companies in the world is topping out what does that say about the rest of the stocks going forward? It maybe suggesting that this cyclical bull market, that has been in progress since the 2009 crash bottom, maybe coming to an end and the secular bear market might be getting underway again. One stock does not make a market but one of the best companies in the world, showing a topping pattern, could be a strong signal to protect your 401 K if its possible.

Weekend Report…Precious Metals Stocks Conundrum

There are times in the markets when things don’t seem to make sense which is most of the time for some investors. Then there are times when everything seems to line up and things go according to a plan. Right now the precious metals stocks are back to playing their old games again by not following the metals higher.

If you recall when gold hit it’s all time high in September of 2011 the precious metals stocks had a fairly decent move, if you can call it that, but woefully under performed the metal. I remember how hard it was to sit by and watch gold going to new highs on a regular basis and the gold stocks hardly moving. The HUI to gold chart below clearly shows that happening.

Before we look at the HUI : gold ratio chart below I want to explain how a ratio chart actually works. For instance, both the HUI and gold can rally together but if gold is rallying faster than the HUI the ratio will fall even tho they are both in rally mode. The other case is both the HUI and gold decline together but the HUI is falling faster than gold the ratio will fall.

What the HUI : gold ratio shows is that during the first three years of this bull market the HUI outperformed gold in a massive way. The ratio topped out in December of 2003 and has been going down ever since. One last note on the HUI to gold ratio chart below. There is a small red expanding bear flag that hasn’t broken out yet to the downside but if it does, the price objective is going to be all the way down to the 2000 all time low at 13. Gold has rallied over 1600 points from it’s low in 2000 yet the HUI is on track to hit its all time low for this ratio at 13. If this isn’t a conundrum I don’t know what is.

Lets see how the HUI has done compared to silver. As you can see on the chart below the HUI to silver ratio also topped out in December of 2003. You can see on the HUI to silver ratio chart there is a small H&S consolidation pattern that is forming just below the support and resistance rail and is beginning to breakdown. It looks like this ratio is on it’s way down to it’s all time low made in 2000 at 7.50.

All three, gold, silver and the HUI have all rallied since the December 2000 oversold ratio bottom but the HUI stocks are now almost just as undervalued now as they were at the start of the secular bull market when the HUI was trading around 35 and gold around 255. Pretty amazing. Maybe when the ratio’s get down to their all time lows it might be a good time to jump on board the HUI stocks again. You would definitely be buying at the bottom that saw a 20 year bear market for the HUI to gold ratio.

Now First lets take a look at the positive side for the HUI that is showing several potential bullish patterns. First, the inverse H&S bottom where the price action is testing the neckline symmetry rail which would be the bottom of the right shoulder. If the HUI can rally away from this point that would be very bullish. So far the this low has held for two weeks now. Its trying to make up it’s mind if it wants to go higher or lower. We should know the answer fairly soon.

Next lets look at the Fibonacci retracement level which is still holding at 62% which falls in line with a normal correction.

This last positive chart for the HUI shows it breaking above the downtrend channel with the backtest showing the possible right shoulder of it’s inverse H&S bottom. So far there in nothing not to like about these charts. They are all technically positive.

Now I want to show you some charts of the HUI that are throwing up a caution flag. The first chart shows the beautiful symmetry the HUI was producing when it broke out from it’s double bottom. It was picture perfect in every regard as the green circles show. Next I want to focus your attention to the blue downtrend that I have labeled BULL FLAG? Follow the price action starting at point #1 down to point #4. At point #4 is where support should have came in and launched the second impulse leg higher. You can see there was actually a four day rally that quickly faded away before the price action could reach the top blue rail. That hard decline below the brown shaded support and resistance zone should have held support but the price action sliced through it like a hot knife through butter. Next you can see the little counter trend rally that lasted about 5 days that took the price back up to the underside of the brown shaded support and resistance zone where the bottom blue rail of the downtrend intersect. It appears the brown support and resistance zone maybe reversing it’s role again and is now acting as resistance. You can also see a potential small triangle that is forming just below the brown S&R zone. The top of the little triangle is the bottom blue rail of the downtrend channel and I have put on a red trendline that shows the bottom of the triangle. That setup, when it happens above a support and resistance zone is bullish and when it happens below its usually bearish. It still needs to breakout before we can say game over.

The next chart is a weekly look that shows the five year long support and resistance rail that has told us in the past when the price action is trading above it things are positive and when below things are negative. What this five year chart is telling us right now is that the HUI is now caught between a rock and a hard place. You can see it has resistance at the S&R rail but also has support at the top rail of the blue downtrend channel and the bottom rail of the black uptrend channel, brown area on chart below.

Sometimes a chart can get a little too busy and its hard to see what is really there. At times like these I like to erase all the chart annotations and start with just a clean chart. Sometimes things will jump right out at you and become very obvious. I’ve done this with a ten month daily look at the HUI. What has become apparent is that the HUI could be forming a series of H&S tops. As you can see on the chart below there is a small H&S top that broke down about two weeks ago with a small gap. Then we had that little counter trend rally that stalled out just below the small neckline #1 which is creating a possible right shoulder of a bigger H&S top #2. Sometimes reducing things down to their simplest form can yield much clear results.

Usually, at inflection points, you can get alot of mixed signals that can cause confusion until the trend finally becomes clear once again. This is the most difficult time to be in the markets as there is no clear cut trend in which to trade. My job is to recognize a trend change as soon as possible and get back in sync with it. Its not a popularity contest we are playing here its all about preservation of capital so when a new trend emerges we can take advantage of it.

With these next set of charts I want to look under the hood of the HUI and see what some of the big caps stocks are showing as they are the stocks that make up the HUI. If alot of them are showing a certain pattern that could very well show up on how the HUI looks.

I would like to begin by showing you some of the big cap precious metals stocks that help makeup the HUI. I’ve shown some of these stocks back in the winter months when the precious metals stocks were correcting. Keep in mind most of the stocks to follow will be of the monthly longer term look that helps put things into perspective. The question we have to ask ourselves when looking at these charts, do they look like the beginning of a new leg up for the big cap precious metals stocks or does it look like a top that will lead to a severe correction. I’ll let the stock speak for themselves.

The first big cap PM stock I would like to show you is the ABX monthly look. How many charts have different analysis shown us that tell us we are in the strongest part of the seasonal trend for gold. If that is the case it would seem like the precious metals stock would partake to some degree in that seasonal strength. ABX certainly isn’t following that trend by the looks of this monthly chart. Notice how fast the right shoulder is breaking down.  That’s a huge H&S top.

ASA is showing a H&S top at the end of a rising wedge. As you can see it’s on the verge of making a multi year low with just a little more weakness.

AU also has a monthly H&S top in place which is finishing off a red triangle consolidation pattern to the downside.As you can see it has closed the month of November at the lowest point since 2009. This isn’t how a bull market is supposed to look.

The next stock is CDE which had been one of the stronger preforming PM stocks until it was hit like so many other stock in this category. As you can see its now just breaking off the top of the right shoulder, where many  other PM stocks are trading below their respective necklines already.

Lets first take a look at the NEM weekly chart that shows some pretty good symmetry taking place. I’ve added a neckline symmetry that is showing the top of the right shoulder that matches the top of the left shoulder.

This next chart is a monthly look at NEM that shows a 5 point blue bearish rising channel reversal pattern. Notice the breakout and backtest that clearly shows the pattern as valid.

Lets look at a couple of South African precious metals stocks and see how they look. HMY has been trading in a horizontal trading range for most of it’s bull market. As you can see this stock closed the month of November at a new multi year low.  Might be a good buy around the 6 dollar level.

GFI has broken out of a bearish rising channel similar to the monthly NEM chart above. Its been chopping in a tight red horizontal trading range. A break below the bottom red rail will start the next leg down.

GG has been in a well defined uptrend channel since the beginning of it’s bull market. Like several other stocks I’ve shown you it to has a bearish rising channel that has broken down and has also backtested the bottom rail.

SA broke through it’s neckline over a year ago and has been in an expanding falling channel. It looks like its getting close to breaking below the red bear flag that fits nicely in the downtrend channel.

Lets look at one more PM stock that is a royalty company. RGLD has put in a H&S top on the daily look and has broken below the neckline and has formed a small red triangle. This stock was one of the leaders off the May bottom this year. It now looks like it’s a leader to the downside by dropping $20 so far.

The last two charts I would like to leave you with is the XAU and the HUI long term look. The XAU has a very symmetrical H&S top with two blue triangles on each side of the head. Its also a double H&S top with two necklines.

This last chart of the HUI shows about as symmetrical a H&S top as you will ever see. There is one last critical test taking place right now and that is at the double bottom hump. Normally a double bottom hump should act as strong support on the backtest. As you can see the action is getting alittle sloppy around the horizontal black dash rail off the double bottom hump. If the HUI is going to get positive it must hold above the double bottom hump or the big H&S top will come into play. Folks this is a big deal taking place right now.

As some of our longer term subscribers know I was pretty bearish most of the winter months as the HUI was completing the head portion of this massive H&S top. When the HUI finally put in its small double bottom is was time to go long again which we did. As you can see the rally stalled out at the neckline symmetry rail. That was another key point on the chart above. If the HUI was truly in a new bull market phase the top of the right shoulder should have been taken out. As I’ve stated earlier we are testing the most important area on the H&S top and that is the double bottom hump. The H&S top pattern can still be negated if the HUI stocks start a strong rally and the top of the right shoulder is taken out to the upside. But as I have shown you above alot the big cap PM stocks are already starting to break down.

Folks, this is nothing to be afraid of. We can make just as much money with the stocks going down as when they go up. As a matter of fact stocks usually go down faster than they go up. I just want to see little more confirmation around the double bottom hump area before we commit in a big way. As they say there is more than one way to skin a cat and when your dealing with the markets, no truer words were ever spoken.

This week coming up could be a transitional week for us if we start to see some weakness. We will be raising some cash on Monday for sure and then we’ll take it from there. Stay tuned as things could start to get exciting once again.  All the best…Rambus.


Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site where you can watch Rambus follow the markets on a daily basis and learn a great deal of Hands on Chartology from Rambus Tutorials and Question and Answeres .
Most Members are Staunch Goldbugs who have seen Rambus in action from the 2007 to 2008 period at www.goldtent.org and now Here at Rambus Chartology since early 2012 .
To review his Work and incredible calls from the 2007-2008 period click on the top right sidebar in the “Wizard of Rambus” ….”What If !!” Post
To Follow Rambus Unique Unbiased Chart Work and participate in a Chartology Form with questions and answeres and learn the Art and Science and Mindset of a Pro Trader please Join us by subscribing monthly for $29.99 at
We have many subscribers from all over the world who are glad they did as they enjoy the many daily updates and commentaries provided at this exciting new site
As you will see Rambus (Dave) has prepared us for this difficult period by being one of the only ones to see and warn about the incredibly debilitating PM smackdown as early as Jan 2 2012 …click on the” HUI Diamond in the Rough” Post in the “Wizard of Rambus” top right
More Recently Rambus called a Bottom in HUI in this post…and has had subscribers on board for a Powerful Run to the Upside
What is he seeing Now ?
You will find Rambus to be a calm humble down home country tutor with an incredible repitoir of all the TA based protocols tempered with his own one of a kind style…simply put…He wants to keep his subscribers on the right side of these crazy volitile and downright dangerous markets
See you at the Rambus Chartology