Wednesday Report…How Will You Play the Precious Metals Stock Bull Market ?

There are as many ways to play the PM sector as there are investors. Some will only buy the big cap PM stocks for safety. Others will only buy the mid cap producers. Some will only buy a mix of big caps and mid cap producers. And then there are the PM stock investors that will only play the juniors. Each has its own advantage depending on your risk tolerance. Some of you are wondering why is Rambus’s portfolio structured like it is with hardly any big caps?

After a great run during the tech bull market that ended in 2000 I was able to basically retire and build our dream home. After that bull market ended I was left looking for another area in which to invest. It wasn’t until early 2002 that I saw a chart for gold which was showing a very large base that caught my attention. Whenever I see a big base I have to study it more to see what is behind the price action. The more I looked, it became apparent to me, that a new bull market may be starting to form in the PM complex.

Keep in mind I knew very little about the PM complex back then as I only traded the big cap tech stocks. I only knew a few of the really big cap PM stocks like Newmont, Barrick, ASA and just a couple of others. I didn’t even know there was a sector called the juniors. It didn’t take long after I immersed myself in studying all I could about this new area to invest that I became hooked. I still remember my first trades in the PM sector which were Newmont, Barrick and ASA.

I kept studying this new and exciting area for me and found out about the juniors and the possibility they could offer. I read several articles about how many of the juniors went through the roof in 1997 I believe, when BRE-X supposedly found the Mother Lode. Juniors were going up 100’s of percent and many going up 1000’s of percent. There are few areas in the markets that a sector can go up that much so I had to study more. The more I studied this little sector the more convinced I became, that for me, this is where I wanted to trade. The rest they say is history.

I already had the foundation for identifying chart patterns so it was just a matter of finding as many juniors as I could and look at their chart patterns. Since the first leg up in the new bull market had ended there were many juniors with some decent consolidation patterns already in place. I was lucky that I was able to catch most of the 2nd leg up in the new bull market before it ran out of gas and needed to consolidate its gains. When I put my first PM portfolio together I bought 10 juniors all under a dollar and hoped for the best. By the time the correction began that portfolio was up 273% in just under 8 months which was more than I had hoped for.

During the next impulse move up that began in 2005 I had bought 20 juniors all under a $1.00 and when that impulse move ended that portfolio was up 328% in less than a year. Needless to say I had found a new home in which to trade.

What I learned trading back then was that the tide would lift all boats to a certain degree with the juniors that had good looking chart patterns 100’s of percent. What I also learned back then was that when the impulse move ended it was time to get out of those juniors as they could give back a large chunk of the profits during the next consolation phase.

So that brings us up to my current portfolio. One thing about the PM stocks is that it is a small universe and following it through the years you begin to learn about their individual characteristics and how they may behave during an impulse move. Some would call my current portfolio very speculative because I don’t have any really large PM stocks, but I do have a decent mix of some mid caps and juniors.

Sir Plunger’s 4 horsemen are going to do very well and make a lot of money for those that invest in those 4 stocks. For me personally and what I learned in the first half of this secular bull market that ended in 2011 was that the juniors is where I want to mostly trade. If I don’t make at least 250% to 300% on this trade, which I finished up the buying today, then I will be disappointed. I hope it will be more but I’ll be satisfied with the 250% to 300% profits.

Another important lesson I would like to make is that once you are in a confirmed impulse move the last thing you want to do is try trading it. That was a lesson I learned the hard way though the years. For whatever reasons once you get out of a trade in an impulse move the idea that you are going to buy back at a cheaper price very seldom works out. My experience has been you usually pay up if you want to get that position back.

I posted this history chart for the HUI several weeks ago which shows all the consolidation patterns that formed during the first half of the secular bull market that ended in 2011. The red arrows show you where the impulse move actually began. As you can see most of the impulse moves between each consolidation pattern lasted for many months before they became exhausted. If you recall the last time I posted this chart I put the red arrow under the 5th reversal point on the 2016 triangle reversal pattern. I said I wasn’t going to wait for the breakout before I got positioned which so far has worked out well. The price objective for the 2016 triangle is above the 2011 all time high over 700 but I’ll be satisfied to reach  the all time high before the next consolidation period begins.

So how does the 2016 triangle reversal pattern look on the long term secular bull market uptrend channel? It has been forming right on the bottom rail of the 2000 bull market uptrend channel. Where will the HUI be trading if the top rail of the bull market uptrend channel is reached in the future? Stay safe and all the best…Rambus




Weekend Report…Commodity Catastrophe Charts

After a long term bear market in most commodity related stocks we are starting to hear analyst talk about inflation. From a Chartology perspective the deflationary scenario is still in play but how much lower can this sector go? In tonights Weekend Report, I’m going to update some long term commodity charts we’ve been following for years to see where they are currently trading in their bear cycle.

Lets begin by looking at one of the most widely followed commodity indexes the CRB. This 20 year monthly chart clearly shows the bear market began in July of 2008 which puts the age of its bear market at 12 years and counting. The initial crash, out of the 2008 high, was the same crash that the stock markets and PM complex experienced. The countertrend rally out of the 2009 crash low setup the next important high in the ongoing bear market which was the 5 year H&S consolidation pattern. The impulse move out of that 5 year H&S consolidation pattern took the CRB index down to the January 2016 low where we saw another countertrend rally that concluded in May of 2018 forming the head of the 4 year H&S consolidation pattern. The H&S neckline gave way in February of this year and has reached the minimum H&S price objective at 134.23. The CRB index has now reached an important point within its impulse move down where we could see either another small consolidation pattern start forming, similar to the blue expanding triangle halfway pattern in 2005, or some type of reversal pattern.

This is what I wrote back on August 23, 2019. This next chart for the CRB index is the infamous 75 year quarterly chart which shows the trading range that formed between the mid 1950’s to the early 1970’s. This chart shows how the H&S top and the bearish rising wedge fits into the big picture which could have serious negative consequences for the CRB index. If the current bearish rising wedge fulfills its measured move as a halfway pattern to the downside the CRB index will be trading all the way down into the brown shaded support zone using the BO to BO method. Just measure from the breakout below the neckline to the first reversal point in the 2016 bearish rising wedge. Then just take that measurement and add it to the breakout point of the 2016 bearish rising wedge to get your price objective. As you can see the current price action is now approaching the top of the brown shaded support zone which goes all the way back to the mid 1970’s.

This next chart is a long term weekly combo chart which has the CRB index on top, with the US dollar in the middle and gold on the bottom. Since 2011 the CRB index has been moving inversely to the US dollar while gold has been moving generally up with the US dollar since the 2016 low. At this point a strong US dollar is still playing havoc with the commodities in general but not so much for gold.

One of the most important commodities on the planet is oil, WTIC. Since the parabolic move that ended at the 2008 high WTIC has been in a severe bear market going from 147 to the recent low just under 20. What is most interesting about this long term monthly chart is how the recent low came in at the H&S measured move price objective down to the 23.19 area which was also the bottom rail of the 2008 downtrend channel. I’m keeping a close eye on the shorter term daily chart looking for some type of reversal or consolidation pattern to form.

Just like the long term quarterly chart for the CRB index we looked at earlier the WTIC has a very similar pattern that goes all the way back to 1981 when the low in oil was 10.81. Note the massive double bottom which projected a move of 277% which was just a dollar or so off the all time high. I’ve often explained what a classic H&S top is. They start out with a rising wedge where the left shoulder and head form inside of the rising wedge with the right shoulder high forming close to the breakout point on the backtest to the bottom rail of the rising wedge. The short oil trade was our best performing leveraged trade during the 2020 crash.

Since we are looking at long term quarterly charts for commodities we shouldn’t be surprised that many have similar looking charts. This long term quarterly chart for Copper shows a similar look to the WTIC which shows its recent H&S top is also a classic H&S top. You can also see the massive base that began to develop back in the late 1970’s which broke out to the topside in the middle of 2005 and reached its price objective at 3.81. Note how the 2008 crash found support right on top of that massive flat top expanding triangle.

NATGAS, natural gas, is setup a bit differently in regards to its long term chart. The bear market for natural gas actually began in 2005 and has made a series of long term lower highs. When I first built this chart I put in two brown shaded support and resistance zones as the reverse symmetry was playing out so beautifully as shown by the back arrows. The upper brown shaded support zone has held support going all the way back to 1995. Is it going to hold support in 2020?


When we first opened up our doors at Rambus Chartology I would show this chart for UGA, gasoline, on Friday night after the market closed for the weekend. The trading range at the top of the chart ended up being a 5 point rectangle reversal pattern which ended up being the head for multiple H&S tops.

Lets finish up by looking at some different commodities and indexes. Last month the URA broke below the bottom rail of its 2016 falling wedge. So far this month the URA has managed to rally back up into the falling wedge negating the breakout for now. A move above the 30 week ema would help with a bullish outcome which is just overhead.

USCR, US concrete, has just achieved the minimum price objective for its H&S top after its massive bull market that began in late 2011.

LL, lumber, has just hit the bottom rail of its 2013 downtrend channel.

The REMX, Rare Earth etf, has experienced one countertrend rally during its lifetime going back to the 2011 high. Last month the price action broke below the bottom rail of a falling flag formation which is generally a bad sign unless the bulls come to the recuse and rally REMX back into the falling flag at a minimum.

After putting in a false breakout gap last November the LIT, lithium etf, the price action negated that breakout when it traded back into the downtrend channel. This month the LIT is attempting to breakout again trading back above the top rail.

The GYX, industrial metals index, is trying to find support on the bottom rail of its massive 2005 triangle.

Below is a ratio chart that compares gold to the CRB index. How much longer can gold outperform the CRB index in such a big way?

This last chart for tonight is a long term monthly chart for gold with the 2013 golden neckline. This month the 2013 H&S consolidation pattern minimum price objective has been met a 1791.

The bottom line is that most commodities have been in a bear market since their 2008 highs. Now most have reached their minimum long term price objectives which puts them at a critical inflection point where they can form a consolidation pattern to the downside which would most likely complete their bear markets. On the other hand they could be either starting to form a reversal pattern of some kind which could end their bear markets. Keep an open mind watching the shorter daily charts to see what kind of pattern builds out. Stay safe and all the best…Rambus









Wednesday Report…Long Term Precious Metals Charts Look Explosive

Tonight I would like to show you some very long term charts for the PM complex I used to look at the big picture and big reversal patterns. I like to use the quarterly line chart as it takes out much of the noise a quarterly bar chart can make. A quarterly line chart only uses the quarterly close so the symmetry isn’t there but the big reversal patterns still show up. Also I will switch back to a bar chart just for confirmation that the pattern I’m seeing is really the right one.

We know that gold has been the strongest area in the PM complex for quite sometime. It began to form its massive H&S consolidation pattern at the beginning of 2013 and finally broke out above the neckline in January of 2019. A line chart also shows reverse symmetry especially on the long term charts. This quarterly line chart for gold, on a quarterly closing basis, is not that far from hitting a new all time high.

Here is the exact same chart using the quarterly bar. I’ve mentioned many times in the past that big chart patterns lead to big moves. Note the massive base in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s which launched gold’s secular bull market. We should see a similar bull market out of the 2013 H&S consolidation pattern.

We also know that silver has been the weakest area in the PM complex as this quarterly line chart shows. Last year it looked like silver was going to breakout from its massive H&S bottom but failed to do so. The price action is attempting to hit the neckline once again.

Next is the long term quarterly chart for the GDM, gold miners index, which is beginning to poke its head above the neckline. Note the big double H&S base that formed in the late 1990’s which launched its secular bull market up to the 2011 H&S top.

Next is the quarterly line chart for the HUI which shows the current price action testing its 2013 H&S neckline. The HUI also formed a double H&S bottom in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. What makes this chart so bullish is the possible reverse symmetry to the upside over the same area on the way down as shown by the blue arrows.

One of the PM stock indexes to keep a close eye on is the XAU, gold and silver index, as it has already broken out from is 2013 H&S bottom. The XAU also formed a double H&S base at the bear market low in 2000.

The GDX doesn’t have a lot of history yet but it’s attempting to breakout from its 2013 H&S bottom.

Below is the quarterly chart for the GDXJ, junior gold miners etf, which doesn’t have a lot of history and has been lagging the big cap PM miners for awhile now.

The HGU.TO is a 2 X long the Canadian gold miners etf which is forming a large double bottom reversal pattern.

Since we are looking at very long term charts tonight lets look at a 50 year quarterly chart for silver. This chart was the very first chart I ever posted during the early days at the tent. At the time the 2nd neckline was just completing with the blue bullish rising wedge forming the right shoulder for neckline #2. Note how NL #2 held support on the backtest during the 2008 crash which led to the near parabolic rising into the 2011 high. It’s possible that the 2011 bear market downtrend channel could form a handle for a massive cup and handle formation.

This last chart for tonight is another very long term quarterly chart for gold I haven’t posted in several years. Through the years the patterns are squeezing together which makes it hard to see what this chart is all about. Like silver’s long term 25 year H&S base gold also produced a massive H&S base with the neckline forming at the 720 area which was just below the all time high made back in 1980.

Early on I recognized how the price action was reversing symmetry to the upside which was doubling each move. This chart does an excellent job of showing you how resistance turns into support when broken to the upside. Note the red arrows that show resistance. Once the black dashed horizontal line was broken to the upside the blue arrows show how it reversed it role to support. It kept doing this all the way up to where the massive neckline was broken to the upside. Again note how that massive neckline held support during the 2008 crash, blue arrow. The last point I would like to make is that the 25 year H&S base had a price objective up to the 2035 area which was about 115 points higher than the actual high at 1920 which was pretty remarkable for the size of that 25 year base. Stay safe and all the best…Rambus




Wednesday Report…A Rare Bottoming Pattern on the HUI ?

Back at the 2008 crash low in the HUI there was a reversal pattern, that is pretty rare, which helped confirm that very important low. If you ever wondered what the 2007 – 2008 top looked like and the decline that followed to the 2008 crash low this daily chart for the HUI paints the Chartology I posted at the tent, in real time, as the impulse move to the downside took place.

The 2007 – 2008 H&S top was actually a double H&S top which ended the first 8 years of the bull market that began in 2000. Even though that is a beautiful H&S top no one wanted to believe it could be possible when I first began to post the possibility of what the implications were. At the time I viewed the H&S top as a normal H&S reversal pattern but I had no idea it would lead to the crash it did. Even during the crash of that magnitude the Chartology was about as good as it can get.

As you can see the first consolidation pattern that formed after the breakout below the neckline was the little red bear flag that has a price objective down to 253. At that 253 low began the real volatile move with the first countertrend rally up to red reversal point #2. Next came the next decline down to red reversal point #3 which still didn’t show the ultimate chart pattern that was forming. Then we got the next reversal point up to red #4 that began to show a possible 4 point bearish falling wedge halfway pattern to the downside. Confirmation that the blue bearish falling wedge was valid was during the breakout and backtesting process which was perfect. The 2 measuring techniques I use showed the impulse price objective down to the 159 area as shown by the blue arrows. The 2nd method I call the breakout to breakout method that had a price objective down to the 146 area. The brown shaded area at the bottom of the chart shows the 2 price objectives.

I’m going to use the same chart as the one above so I can show you what is possibly forming right now on the HUI. At the bottom of the chart, at the brown shaded area, you can see where I labeled the chart pattern as a 2 1/2 point double bottom. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post the 2 1/2 point double bottom is fairly rare. The pattern starts out as a normal looking double bottom reversal pattern. Sometimes the price action will rally up to the double bottom trendline where the stock fails to breakout and then declines once more only to stall out about halfway down to the double bottom low. From that low the price action takes off to the upside and doesn’t look back. Other times the stock will actually breakout above the double bottom trendline for a few days and then declines once more below the double top trendline. Again the price action will stall out at roughly the halfway point to the double bottom low and then reverses strongly to the upside.

Below is the same daily chart as the one above but this chart is a line chart which can take out some of the noise a bar chart can make.

Now I would like to show you a daily line chart for the HUI which has been building out a possible 2 1/2 point double bottom since the middle of March. Here you can see a failed breakout above the double bottom trendline and the decline which took the price action down toward the center of the height of the double bottom. This 2 1/2 point double bottom didn’t become visible until the beginning of this week when the HUI broke out above the double bottom trendline for the second time.

This next chart shows you a good example of a 2 1/2 point double bottom on this long term weekly chart for the $HGX, housing index. This 2 1/2 point double bottom formed at the 2008 – 2009 crash low as shown by the blue arrows.

This next chart is the long term history chart for the HUI which shows all of its chart patterns since its inception back in 1995. What I want to focus on are all red arrows. On the left side of the chart each red arrow shows you the beginning of each impulse leg up. If one is lucky enough to spot a reversal pattern at the last reversal point in each consolidation pattern you can see how many more points you can capture vs buy on the breakout point in each consolidation pattern. It’s the impulse moves that I live for which is where the real money is made. Those impulse moves can last from 8 to 14 months before they become exhausted and need to start consolidating those gains.

The 2016 black triangle needs to have an odd number of reversal points because the triangle is forming below the 2011 H&S top. After nearly 4 years of chopping around in the 2016 triangle the breakout point is getting very close. As you can see I’ve added the red arrow to the recent low at the 5th reversal point hoping to get a jump on the impulse move that will follow once the breakout occurs. Keep in mind the trading action is going to be completely different than what we’ve been used to over the last four years.

This last chart for tonight is one I haven’t posted before. In big trading ranges there can be multiple chart patterns that can form and the bigger the trading range the more chart patterns you can find if you can keep an open mind. This weekly line chart for the HUI shows a big H&S consolidation pattern which is also about four years in the making. It is a H&S consolidation pattern because its forming above the 2016 low.

The bottom line is that the PM complex appears to be in the final stages of building out a reversal pattern to reverse the 2011 bear market. Big trading ranges lead to big moves. Stay safe and all the the best…Rambus


Weekend Report…The History of the End of the World Chart.

There are just a handful of events in ones lifetime that are truly history making in their magnitude. For instance the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, the 1929 stock market crash, Pear Harbor, the 1987 stock market crash and 911 to name a few. When all of those historical events took place it felt like the end of the world for those that were living in that time period. How could our world ever be the same after everything around them was crashing?

Since the beginning of 2020 we are currently witnessing two historical events going on at the same time that people in the future will be analyzing in detail, the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and the 2020 stock market crash. As citizens of the world we are truly living smack dab in the middle of these two history making events which we won’t know how things are eventually going to turn out until they come to an end. In a year or two from now it will become very clear what the outcome was, but when you are living through these historical events it can feel like the end of the world.

Years ago I built a long term monthly chart for the $COMPQ that goes back 40 years which I call, “History Chart of The End of The World.” This chart shows all the important end of the world events going back to 1980.

If you look at this chart starting at the bottom left hand corner I’ve labeled all the important historical events that felt like the end of the world if you were trading in the markets back then. There was one day during the 1987 crash that is still the biggest one day percentage decline in history where the markets were down around 23% or so.

The COMPQ quickly recovered from that low and rallied into the September 1989 high which began another correction caused by the Saving and Loans crisis. If that was’t bad enough a year or so later began the start of the Gulf war which the markets shrugged off as not important. Those 3 history making events created the green bullish rising flag with a nice clean breakout and backtest. Less than 10 years later the COMPQ finally put in its bull market high. Just before the bull market high was established there was one more historical event which most have forgotten about, but at the time the markets were really rattled by the 1998 LTCM, Long Term Capital Management, debacle.

After the 2000 top was completed came the first real bear market since the 1970’s as shown by the green falling wedge. The percentage decline for the COMPQ was massive and it felt like the end of the world back then. Many thought another Great Depression was beginning that would last for years to come. Again, if that wasn’t bad enough then came the start of the Iraq war at the bear market low. How could the markets ever rally with all this bad news? The markets did find a way to stabilize and found a way to rally higher into the 2007 housing and banking crises. At the November 2007 high began the infamous bear market decline that this time for sure was going to put the US in the next Great Depression.

As the INDU and the SPX began their great bear market decline taking out their 2002 lows the COMPQ  on the other had declined far less because its 2000 to 2002 bear market was much more severe than the INDU and the SPX which produced a clear positive divergence for the tech stocks. Finally in March of 2009 the bear market that was going to last for many years came to an abrupt end and the SPX rallied strongly out of that 2009 bear market low creating the biggest bull market of all time with one consolidation pattern forming on top of the previous one. Note the 10 year blue triangle consolidation pattern which was needed to consolidate more than 20 years of the last secular bull market. You can also see the clean breakout and backtest to the top rail of that 10 year blue triangle consolidation pattern.That 10 year blue triangle is a halfway pattern between the two secular bull markets with the first one starting in the mid 1970’s and our current one that began at the 2009 low. When we look at this, “End of The World Chart,” in a year or two from now are we going to see the end of the world or will it be delayed until the next crises?

There was a short term pattern that showed up during the crash decline off the February 13th high at 28,045 to the March 23rd low at 18,189 on the INDU which is a pretty rare halfway gap or breakaway gap pattern. These halfway gaps show up in nearly vertical moves either up or down and show roughly the halfway point of the move. What these halfway gaps can also show us is that the impulse move has come to an end. Sometimes we can see a bottoming pattern start to form that will be a reversal pattern which tends to be the case most of the time. After some chopping and filling a consolidation pattern may form which would take the stock much lower.

If you recall I was very bullish the US stock markets going into the all time highs on February 13th. Once I saw the double top forming I suggested for everyone to exit all long positions because a double top is a reversal pattern and you don’t argue with a reversal patten no matter how big or small it may be. I also posted that the double top was forming just below  the top rail of the 2019 bearish rising wedge which could be the last reversal point. The last point I made about the top setup was that if the bearish rising wedge played out like it should we would most likely see a waterfall decline. We got the waterfall decline, but I had no idea it would be one of the biggest declines in the history of the stock market.

Normally when you see a halfway gap on one index it will show up on other indexes. Below is the 2019 bearish rising wedge with its halfway gap and price objective as shown by the black arrows.

The $NYA with its halfway gap and price objective.

The XHB, Homebuilders etf, also put in a halfway gap during its crash.

Another sector which put in a halfway gap to the downside was the XBI, Biotech etf.

The XLE, energy stocks etf, took a beating during its 2020 crash and also put in a halfway gap or breakaway gap.

Lets look at one more halfway gap pattern that has formed during the 2020 crash which is on the IYM, Basic Materials Sector. This halfway gap price objective measured out almost perfect as shown by the black arrows.

All the analysts are now trying to figure out what comes next in regards to the US stock markets. Some are comparing the 2020 crash to the 1929 crash which have a lot of similarities as both initial crashes were pretty dynamic and historic. Then there was the 1987 crash that produced the biggest one day percentage move in history of around 23% or so.

I’m going to present my take on what I think is possible based on some of the long term charts we been following for many years. This is just a possible scenario that could very well blowup tomorrow. As I’ve stated many times I’m not a big fan of fractals as they can workout beautifully until they don’t and they usually fail right when you expect them to play out the best, but when they do play out they can offer some great results. On the charts above we looked at some of the 2020 halfway gaps that formed on some of the US stock markets. Remember these gaps show up in fast moving markets.

The fractal I’m going to show you compares our recent 2020 crash to that massive 1987 crash on the SPX. There are some striking similarities between these two events which we’ll look at in detail. This first daily chart for the SPX we just looked at on the daily chart above which shows its halfway gap in the middle of its impulse leg down.

Next is the massive impulse leg down the SPX experienced in 1987. As you can see the SPX produced a halfway gap to the downside during its 1987 crash which is very similar to the halfway gap on the 2020 crash. The 1987 crash low marked the low that has held to this day. After the 1987 low was established there were two more attempts to take out 1987 bottom, but the bears failed and the rest they say is history.

Now lets take the 1987 and 2020 fractal a step further and look at a long term quarterly  chart for the SPX which starts at the 1987 crash low so you can see what took place afterwards. Starting at the bottom left hand corner of the chart you can see where the 1987 crash found its low. Now look at the current 2020 crash at the top right hand side of the chart. The black box in 1987 and the one in 2020 are the exact same height which measures price not time. What followed after the 1987 crash was the formation of the blue 1987 bullish rising wedge halfway pattern which took about 8 years to complete. What this chart doesn’t show is the price objective for the 1987 bullish rising wedge HP which was reached at the 2000 secular bull market high.

If we compare the black rectangle in 1987 to the black rectangle in 2020 you can see there is very little room for the 2020 price action to drop below the initial low made at 2191 to keep the fractal alive. From that 1987 low it took almost 2 years of trading before the SPX could make a new all time high above the 1987 high. The 12 month sma also did a good job of holding support all the way up to the 2000 bull market high.

The other very important feature on this chart is the massive 2013 flat top expanding triangle that I view as a halfway pattern in the really big picture going back many years we’ll look at in a minute.

This next very long term quarterly chart for the SPX runs from 1946 to 2002 which puts the 1987 bullish rising wedge, we just looked at on the chart above in perspective as a halfway pattern. Also, you will be able to see why I call that massive 13 year flat top triangle a possible halfway pattern to the upside. Before the 1987 crash the SPX was enjoying a strong bull market that began at the last reversal point in the 13 year bullish rising wedge which was needed to consolidate the last secular bull market.

This last chart for tonight is a 75 year quarterly chart which ties everything together. The blue rectangle at the 1987 crash is the exact same height as the 2020 blue rectangle which measures the first rally out of their respective massive 13 year consolidation pattern before their record setting crash with the 1987 crash low holding. We won’t know for some time if the current low on the 2020 crash is going to hold support.

All we know right now is that the 1987 and the 2020 crashes are very similar along with what the long term charts are showing. So is this massive fractal thats been developing for many years going to fail right at the moment of truth? It is what it is until it isn’t. Please everyone take care of yourselves and look after your loved ones. All the best…Rambus

Wednesday Report…US Dollar Ratio Charts Are Telling a Very Important Story

Before we look at tonights charts I would like to take a minute and explain to our new members how we manage the different portfolios. We have 3 different portfolios, the Kamikaze, Leveraged and the PM Stocks Trade portfolios with each having $100,000. That $100,000 in each portfolio is then broken down into $5000 increments for each trade giving us a total of 20 trades for each portfolio. Currently we have just 4 trades in the Kamikaze Portfolio, 5 in the Leveraged Portfolio and 0 in the PM Stocks Trade portfolio. What that means right now is that we have a very high level of cash. It is completely up to you on how you want to manage your own portfolios. I just wanted to put this out there because sometimes we may have up to 20 trades in the Leveraged Portfolio, 20 trades in the PM Stock Portfolio and 8 to10 in the Kamikaze Portfolio, all at one time. It boils down to what the markets are giving us which sometimes is a lot and other times not much.

I would like to start by looking at some US dollar charts we’ve been following as its beginning to show some serious strength lately. This nearly 2 year daily chart shows the rising wedge we’ve been following for close to a year that has been trapped between the top and bottom trendlines. Recently there was a false breakout below the bottom rail which caused a whipsaw. Once the price action traded back inside of the rising wedge the false breakout was negated. Today the price action broke out above the top rail. What we need to see now is for the backtest to hold support to complete the breaking out and backtesting process.

This next chart for the US dollar is a 35 year monthly look which shows how the bullish rising wedge on the daily chart above fits into the 2011 uptrend channel.

This last chart is a 25 year monthly bar chart for the US dollar I built several years ago which at the time I had no idea if it would play out. Big chart patterns like this can take a long time to come to fruition, but it does give you something to follow until something breaks down. Until something breaks down you just go with it. Note the blue rising wedge that we just looked at on the charts above that is forming as part of the right shoulder of a possible massive 14 year H&S bottom. All in all the symmetry has been pretty good as shown by the neckline symmetry line which shows the bottom for the left and right shoulders. Keep in mind the H&S bottom won’t be complete until the neckline is broken to the upside.

We know that there is a pretty close correlation for the most part between the US dollar and the Euro. If the US dollar is forming a 14 year H&S bottom then the odds are pretty high that the ratio chart, US dollar : XEU, should also be forming a massive H&s bottom which it is.

The same can be said for the USD:XJY ratio which is getting close to breaking out from the blue bullish falling wedge right shoulder. Again the neckline symmetry line is showing us the low for the left and right shoulder for neckline #3.

The US dollar to the Swiss Franc is also showing a massive H&S bottom.

I realize these massive H&S bottoms seem impossible for the average investor to believe. How can something 14 years in the making have any relevance to this time period?

Below is the ratio chart which compares the US dollar to the Australian dollar.  While the ratio charts above still show the right shoulder under construction this ratio is breaking out from its massive H&S bottom complete with a breakout gap and neckline symmetry line.

This last currency ratio chart compares the US dollar to the $CAD, Canadian dollar. This ratio is showing a strongly slanted H&S bottom with a breakout above the top rail of the blue bullish expanding falling wedge right shoulder. The breakout this week of the blue expanding falling wedge strongly suggests that the slanted H&S neckline is going to give way to the upside.

This next chart is a weekly look at the USDU which is a more equally weighted index for the US dollar. After the backtest the impulse move is well underway.

Below is a combo chart which has the ratio UUP:DBC on top with the DBC in the middle and the UUP on the bottom. The last time we looked at this chart the ratio chart on top still hadn’t broken out above the neckline. What this chart shows us is how our current setup, brown shaded area on the right side of the chart, compares to the setup on the left side of the chart which shows the last deflationary event. This ratio combo chart suggest there is still a lot of time left  before this these charts run their course.

This next chart shows how gold to the US dollar did during the 2000 bull market in the precious metals complex. Just like gold itself this ratio produced some of the best chart patterns of any sector I’ve ever charted. Believe it or not this bear market has been in play for close to 9 years now with no signs of letting up just yet, especially if the 2016 rising wedge ends up being a halfway pattern to the downside.

This last chart for tonight compares gold to the US dollar. When the ratio is rising gold is outperforming the US dollar. Since the bottom in 2016 gold has been outperforming the US dollar up until 3 weeks ago. There was a false breakout above the blue trendline that was negated when the ratio traded back inside of the 2016 rising wedge.

For those that like fundamentals to study maybe you can put your skills to the test and figure out why the US dollar has formed a massive 14 year H&S base compared to most of the important currencies of the world. This massive base is going to be in play for years to come. All the best…Rambus


Weekend Report…The Chartology of a Deflationary Event

The great debate on whether we’re going to see inflation or deflation has been answered in spades. For years some of the greatest minds of our time have discussed this issue in great detail with each side giving probable reasons as to why we’ll see either inflation or deflation. Both sides can make great points to their arguments but in the end only one side will win the battle that has been raging on for years. While the fundamentalist argue their points I’m going to show you from a Chartology perspective the true story of what is taking place in this great debate.

In this Weekend Report we’ll look at some short, intermediate and long term charts for the US dollar and some commodities indexes to paint a picture of what millions of investors, from around the world are actually doing with their money. These investors leave their mark on a chart that show up as short term battles to longer term wars that can last for years. These battles and wars create chart patterns that define the winner and looser of each encounter.

To understand the deflation scenario we are in lets start with a few charts for the US dollar. This first chart is the 25 year monthly fractal chart we’ve been following since 2014 which shows the 2 fractals, big base #1 and big base #2. Our last deflationary event took place when the US dollar broke out from big base #2 in September of 2014. That impulse move began the 2011 uptrend channel that has been in place ever since. The blue rising channel is the same rising channel we were following on the daily combo chart that had the UUP on top with the HUI on the bottom. As you can see there was a small false breakout below the bottom rail of the blue rising channel that was negated when the US dollar traded back inside of the rising channel. Note where the US dollar was when gold bottomed in 2000 then note where the US dollar was when gold topped out in 2011. This shows us that over short periods of time these two can run together but over the longer term there is a distinct inverse correlation. Until the US dollar breaks below the bottom rail of its 2011 uptrend channel we have to assume the US dollar’s bull market remains in tact.

There was another long term chart I built for the US dollar back in 2014 which was the 30 year bullish falling wedge which got a lot of snickers when I first posted it. Keep in mind I posted this chart before the breakout of the top rail. After the breakout above the top rail the question then became will it hold support on a backtest from above? As you can see it has held on 3 separate occasions so far with the last backtest in February of 2018.There was another layer of support at the Mar 2018 backtest area which was the 2000 H&S top neckline as shown by the neckline extension line.

There is another US dollar index I follow which is a little more equally weighted that is the USDU. Last week it broke out from a bullish rising wedge that began to form in late 2018.

Below is a 4 1/2 year weekly chart for the USDU which shows a pretty strong uptrend since late 2018 after putting in a double bottom.

With the US dollar showing strength since 2011 lets look at some commodity indexes to see what shape they are in starting with this monthly chart for the CRB index. First note the right shoulder high in 2014. That is the point where the last deflationary event started which ended in early 2016. For the last 4 years the price action has chopped out a large H&S consolidation pattern with the breakout below the neckline last month.

There is also another important chart pattern that has formed since the 2016 low which is a bearish rising wedge.

Below is another chart I built in 2014. When you put all the chart patterns together we come out with one ugly looking chart. Here again the right shoulder high in 2014 began the last deflationary phase. I was looking for the brown shaded S&R zone to hold support which it did after a strong overshoot. From that final low in mid 2015 came the backtesting process back up to the brown shaded S&R zone. It took nearly 3 years for the backtesting process to finish up and when it did we were left with the 2016 bearish rising wedge which I labeled as a halfway pattern to the downside. What I found very interesting when I first built this chart was the vertical price action that took place in the early 1970’s which is why I added the red arrows which shows how I was looking for reverse symmetry over that same area on the way down. The thin dashed back horizontal line shows the CRB index is now trading at a low not seen since January of 1973 which is pretty incredible when you think about it.

The most important commodity on the planet is oil which can tell us a lot about the economy. In a strong growing world economy there is a big demand for oil which causes the price to go up. On the other hand when the world economy is weak that strongly suggests a weak oil pice. Below is one of the charts for the WTIC we used back in the last deflationary event that began at the red circle at the top of the 5 point triangle reversal pattern. The red circle just shows weakness as the price action failed to reach the top rail which can be a precursor to the completion of a pattern. The thin blue dashed upslopping trendline was the first area we were waiting to give way. Then came the bottom rail of the 5 point triangle which had a perfect breakout and backtest as shown by the blue circle. The triangle price objective was achieved in January of 2015 at 44. It took almost another year before the final low was reached in February of 2016.

Many times when a stock is building out a multi year chart pattern it can be made up of several smaller individual patterns. You can see this on the H&S pattern on the weekly chart above which has a bull flag left shoulder and the blue triangle right shoulder. Below is a 25 year monthly chart for WTIC which shows the 1999 uptrend channel that ended with the small H&S top in 2008. That small H&S top in 2008 was made during the same time as the stock markets and PM stock indexes which led to the infamous 2008 crash which was, by looking at this chart, was the birth of the deflationary environment we currently find ourselves in.

After the 2008 crash ended in February of 2009 came the countertrend rally which ended up backtesting the bottom rail of the 1992 uptrend channel on multiple occasions, but could never break through above it. Then WiTC began to build out a very long drawn out trading range which eded up being a 5 year H&S top. That H&S top was one of those very large patterns that you spot early on and then have to wait for it to finally complete, testing your patience to the end, but the wait was finally worth it.

This last chart for WTIC is a 35 year quarterly chart which shows some classic Chartology. From the early 1980s WTIC formed a massive double bottom which finally completed in July of 2004 which launched oil on its parabolic run to its all time high at 147 in July of 2008. Note the width of that massive double bottom which was 277%. When you add 277% to the double bottom breakout point above the double bottom hump trendline you get a price objective up to 246. As you can see the 2008 high came just in time for the 2008 crash during that deflationary decline. You can see how the 5 year H&S top we just looked at on the chart above fits into the big picture. The red arrows show you a good example of reverse symmetry, how oil went up is how it came back down over the same area.

Just like the CRB index we looked at earlier I was looking for support to come into play at the brown shaded S&R zone and just like the CRB index the price action punched through a bit before reversing back up. Like most commodities at that time oil bottomed in January of 2014 and began to build the blue bearish rising wedge which ended up being part of the classic H&S top. During the formation of a classic H&S top the left shoulder and head form inside of the rising wedge with the right shoulder high forming around the bottom rail on the backtest. Is it possible that WTIC is going to reach its all time lows going all the way back to the 1986 low before this deflationary cycle is finished?

Below is the weekly combo chart for many different commodities indexes we’ve been following. I’ll let this chart speak for itself.

There is one last chart that I needed to get posted tonight which is a long term monthly chart for the HUI. All I can say is watch the bottom rail of the 2016 black triangle. Last week the HUI completed 4 reversal points which makes the black triangle a consolidation pattern to the downside. This is where the bulls have to step up to the plate in no uncertain terms and rally the HUI off that bottom rail to avoid a breakout. Please everyone stay safe and watch out for your family and friends. All the best…Rambus





Markets Update…The Fastest Decline in History

Yesterday I showed you the double top on the PM stock indexes that was just beginning to show itself. Today we got confirmation in no uncertain terms the double top is valid. Below is a weekly line chart which can take out some of the noise a bar chart can make.

Below is a weekly bar chart for the GDX which is getting close to testing the bottom rail of the 2016 triangle around the 19.75 area. What is so important about the bottom rail at 19.75 is a touch will complete the 4th reversal point putting the triangle into the consolidation pattern to the downside. On the other hand if the bottom rail can hold support at 19.75 then we could see a 5th reversal point form which would be complete when the top rail is hit and then broken.

Below is a longer term monthly look at the GDX which shows a potential much more bearish setup than the chart above.

The GDXJ is setup just a bit differently but all the same pieces of the puzzle are still there. Keep a close eye on at the bottom trendline at the possible 4th reversal point.

This last chart is the daily combo chart for the US stock markets we’ve been following for a long time. If you recall this fastest decline in history began with the unsuspecting double top which didn’t look that terrible at the time. The thing about double tops is that they are first a reversal pattern. Form that point there is no way to know how powerful it will end up being. Remember that small double top that formed on the PM stock indexes last August which still hasn’t been broken. I also suggested if this rising wedge plays out the way it is supposed to then we could see a waterfall decline to where the bearish rising wedge began to form which was at the Christmas Eve low on December 24th 2018 at a minimum. As you can see that low is giving way now on many of the indexes.




Weekend Report…Energy Complex Deflation Was All in the Charts

I promised you on Friday that I would take an in-depth look at the energy complex in the Weekend Report. If there is one sector to define the possible deflationary event we’ve been discussing for the last several months or so oil is probably the most important commodity of all. Eventually we’ll know the cause in no uncertain terms, but the charts have been suggesting for a long time now that something is afoot and we need to pay attention.

Lets start by looking at the UNG, natural gas fund, as it has been leading the way lower. This first chart is a 10 month daily look which shows a 6 point diamond consolidation pattern which at the time of its development I thought would probably be a reversal pattern to the upside as the price for natural gas was already so low. As you know I usually try to take one position on the initial breakout and a second position on the backtest. I missed the initial breakout and the backtest failed to reach the bottom rail of the diamond so I never got positioned. The other important feature on this chart is the blue bearish falling wedge which we know shows up in fast moving impulse moves.

This 6 year weekly chart for UNG is the chart that really got my attention for the energy complex. Once the 6 point diamond gave way to the downside that strongly suggested that the bottom rail of the 2016 flat top expanding triangle was also going to break to the downside as well. The breakout came on December 9th of 2019. If you look real close you can see a ping pong move that took place between the bottom rail of the 6 point diamond and the bottom rail of the 2016 flat top triangle before the actual breakout as shown by the blue circle.

It is always important to tie everything together by looking at a long term monthly chart. Below is a 12 year monthly chart which shows the previous consolidation pattern that  formed between 2012 to 2015 which was a bearish expanding rising wedge. The importance of that pattern is that it gives us a way to measure for a price objective using the 2016 bearish flat top triangle as a halfway pattern. I haven’t put the price objectives on this chart but the two methods I use measures out between roughly 5 and 8 dollars.

I also look at the $NATGAS, which is showing a bear flag on this 5 year weekly chart.

This 30 year monthly chart for $NATGAS shows it has been in a bear market since July of 2008 when it completed the  head of its massive H&S top. Currently the price action is sitting on the massive support and resistance line that goes all the way back to September  of 1995 as shown by the black arrows.

Back in 2014 when I originally built out this quarterly chart I had 2 possible price objectives  based on the 2 brown shaded S&R zones. As you can see natural gas finally found support at the bottom of the upper brown shaded S&R zone at 1.65 where it has been consolidating that impulse move. The absolute low for this natural gas index came in 1992 at the 1.04 area which would not surprise me if we see that low hit again during our current selloff.

Next lets look at some charts for the USO, oil fund, which we were able to get positioned Short with DWT. This daily chart shows a perfect one year triangle consolidation pattern with a breakout and a perfect backtest to the bottom rail.

At the beginning of this report we looked at the weekly chart for the UNG which showed its 2016 flat top expanding triangle which gave me a very big clue, when it broke below the bottom rail, that it was going to lead the energy sector lower. Below is the weekly chart for the USO which broke below the bottom rail of its 2016 bearish expanding rising wedge 2 weeks ago. There was also a ping pong move between the bottom rail of the 2019 blue triangle and the bottom rail of the 2016 expanding rising wedge. Early last week USO backtested the bottom rail of the 2016 bearish rising wedge which has now cleared the way for the impulse move to take hold. The bottom line is that we have a very clean line in the sand at the 10.20 area.

Similar to the long term monthly chart we looked at for the UNG, USO has formed a similar  halfway pattern. The impulse move down from the 5 year triangle took almost 18 months to complete starting at the breakout point. The blue circle shows a halfway pattern that formed which was actually an expanding triangle.

Lets take a look at a weekly chart for the $WTIC, light crude oil, which is showing it has formed a 2016 H&S top with the neckline being broken to the downside last week.

Below is a long term 20 year monthly chart which puts the 2016 H&S top in perspective. I won’t be surprised if the WTIC reaches the bottom rail of the 2008 falling wedge.

I originally built out this 35 year quarterly chart at the same time I built the long term quarterly chart for UNG. Back in the middle of 2014 UNG was beginning to breakdown from its 5 year H&S top just like many other commodities. Since the move up was so vertical after the 2008 crash I was looking for some reverse symmetry to the downside over the same area on the way up as shown by the blue arrows. The brown shaded support and resistance zone is formed from the previous highs made between 1985 and 2004 when oil finally broke out above that massive resistance zone and ran straight to 147. Note how the current price action has formed a classic H&S top with the left shoulder and head forming inside of the blue rising wedge and the right shoulder high forming towards the backtest point.

The $XOI, oil index, I follow which is breaking down from 2 important trendlines, the bottom rail of the 1985 uptrend channel and the bottom rail of the 5 point triangle reversal pattern.

This last chart for tonight is a long term monthly chart for the UGA, US gasoline fund, which is beginning to breakdown from a 5 point blue rectangle that is forming toward the apex of its 2016 triangle. The blue rectangle is strongly suggesting the bottom rail of the 2016 triangle is going to give way.

The last time we had a deflationary event was form the middle of 2014 to March of 2015 when many of these long term charts were made. I’m still amazed how these long term chart patterns could see way back then that deflation would be the issue and not inflation.

Time to get this posted. All the best…Rambus


I don’t know if I’ve ever showed you this combo chart for some of the smaller cap energy stocks. You can see how bearish many of these stocks look as they are breaking down from bearish falling wedges and bearish rising flags and wedges which show up in strong impulse moves.