NGD Update…

I know this a popular precious metals stock alot of investors follow. Today its broken the bottom blue rail of a bearish rising wedge that has formed the right shoulder of a H&S topping pattern. You can see the neckline symmetry rail did a good job of showing us where to look for a possible high for the right shoulder.There could be backtest to the bottom blue rail around the 10.75 area. No one can see into the future but these charts I’ve been showing you on some of the precious metals stocks are talking to us right now. What will be the fundamental driver be for their weakness?  We will all know AFTER the facts are in.



Tune in Tonite for a Rambus Wednesday Report if you want to know wtf is going on !

Fully (Confused)

IAG Update…

For those that think the precious metals stocks are getting ready to launch to the heavens there are precious metals stocks that are going to take their investors to HELL. This stock is a prime example of what is happening in alot of the precious metals stocks.



Editor’s Note

Rambus I puked when I saw that one !

I think we need to offer free gravol with a monthly subscription to this site

…Schitzophrenia in the Silver Market…..

I’ve been showing you this combo chart that has SLV on top and SIL on the bottom. I mentioned that one of these charts is lying to us. As you can see SLV is still trading above the support and resistance zone while SIL, the silver MINERS, are cracking the bottom red rail today of the 6 point bear flag. Its hard to imagine this divergence going on for much longer where silver keeps going up while the miners keep going down.



Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site where you can watch Rambus follow the markets on a daily basis and learn a great deal of Hands on Chartology from Rambus Tutorials and Question and Answers .

Most Members are Staunch Goldbugs who have seen Rambus in action from the 2007 to 2008 period at and now Here at Rambus Chartology since early 2012 .

To review his Work and incredible calls from the 2007-2008 period click on the top right sidebar in the “Wizard of Rambus” ….”What If ?! ”

To Follow Rambus Unique Unbiased Chart Work and participate in a Chartology Form with questions and answers, and learn the Art and Science and Mindset of a Pro Trader you may Join us by subscribing at

We have many subscribers from all over the world who are glad they did as they enjoy the many daily updates and commentaries provided at this exciting new site.

As you will see Rambus (Dave from The Ozark Mtns in Arkansas) has prepared us for this difficult period by being one of the only ones to see and warn about the incredibly debilitating PM smackdown as early as Jan 2 2012 …click on the” HUI Diamond in the Rough” Post in the “Wizard of Rambus” top right

More Recently Rambus called a Bottom in HUI in this post…and has had subscribers on board for a Powerful Run to the Upside

Followed again by his timely bearish call in this SLV Update which has had us on the sidelines and or short

What is he seeing Now ?

You will find Rambus to be a calm humble down home country tutor with an incredible repitoir of all the TA based protocols tempered with his own one of a kind style…simply put…He wants to keep his subscribers on the right side of these crazy volitile and downright dangerous markets
See you at the Rambus Chartology

Wednesday Report…What If All the Gloom and Doom is Wrong ?

In the Weekend Report we looked at some of the US stock markets to see if they may have a chance to move higher over the intermediate to longer term.There were several charts such as the Russel 2000 and the Transportation Average that are now just starting to breakout to new all time highs. In this Wednesday Report I want show you some charts, from some  of the sub sectors of the US economy, to see if they maybe signaling a green light for the US stock markets.

The first and most important index we need to look at is the Banking index, BXK.  How the banks are doing is an important clue to the viability of the economy going forward. If the banks are doing well that is generally a good reflection of an improving economy regardless of what we may read to the contrary. So lets take a look at the $BKX  and see what it looks like from the weekly perspective.

Below is a five year chart that shows the 2008 crash and the rally off that historical low. Its built out a very large three year bullish expanding falling wedge pattern that broke out through the top blue rail last fall. Since the breakout it has formed a small red expanding flat top that has broken out three weeks ago and is now backtesting the top red rail. So far this is a bullish development.

bkx weekl

The monthly chart shows the very large topping pattern that took about 12 years to complete that led to the big crash. This chart shows you how our bullish expanding falling wedge plays into our new uptrend. I view this pattern as a halfway pattern with a price objective back up in the vicinity of the old all time highs.

bkx monthly

If the US is going to have a decent recovery the $HGX, Housing Index will need to participate. The chartology of this index shows there was alot of time to watch the huge topping patterns build out over the 2004 to 2007 time frame. The first clue that the HGX maybe running into trouble was the big blue bearish rising wedge pattern that formed back in 2003 to 2005. Alot of times when a wedge breaks out the backtest will form a shoulder. In this case the backtest  formed the smaller right shoulder before it broke down to form a bigger H&S topping pattern at the second lower neckline. To watch this huge topping pattern form was like watching paint dry. All the pieces of the puzzle were there but it took along time to finally play out to the downside. When it did finally let go it wasted little time in declining in earnest. When you look on the right side of the chart you can see the bull market that began at the 2009 lows. One consolidation pattern sitting on top of the lower one. Regardless of what you read this is an uptrend in a bull market.

hgx weekly

Another important area we need to look at is the $RLX, Retail sector. Again if the US economy is going to grow and show some strength it will need the US consumer spending their hard earned money. Actually this sector has been one of the strongest areas of the economy. As you can see on the chart below this index moved to new all time highs back in 2011 and hasn’t looked back.

rlx week

Next if the economy is going to start growing it will have a direct impact on oil use. The XOI, oil index has been forming a 6 point blue triangle consolidation pattern for four years now. The price action is sitting just below the top blue rail and if it breaks out through to the top side it strongly suggest that the rally will be long term in nature and not just a flash in the pan type move. As the economy goes so does oil.


Lets look at one more sector that I think can be a driving force leading the US economy higher. If you traded the bull market in the 90’s you will know this sector was one of the hottest place to make some serious money. The sector I’m referring to is the $BTK, biotechnology index. The red arrows on the chart below shows you the bull move it made back at the end the mania phase in 1999 – 2000. It then went on to make a 10 year ascending blue triangle consolidation pattern. What I like about this sector is, while the rest of the stock markets are testing there all time highs, this sector broke out about four years ago and has been in rally mode ever since. Also the technology that this sector will produce in the years ahead will be mind boggling. This is where the future lies IMHO and the US will be the leader. It has the potential to create many new jobs in industries that are barley visible right now.

btk bio

With the charts I showed you in the Weekend Report, on the US stock markets, and these charts tonight showing different important sub sectors of the US economy, its hard not to have a positive basis. I know full well this report won’t be viewed well by alot of staunch bears out there that are looking for the world to come to an end any day now. Maybe it will and maybe it won’t but until it does I have to go with what the charts are saying and they are saying be positive right now and don’t get carried away with all the negative hype. Stay strong and keep an open mind. All the best…Rambus



Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site where you can watch Rambus follow the markets on a daily basis and learn a great deal of Hands on Chartology from Rambus Tutorials and Question and Answers .

Most Members are Staunch Goldbugs who have seen Rambus in action from the 2007 to 2008 period at and now Here at Rambus Chartology since early 2012 .

To review his Work and incredible calls from the 2007-2008 period click on the top right sidebar in the “Wizard of Rambus” ….”What If ?! ”

To Follow Rambus Unique Unbiased Chart Work and participate in a Chartology Form with questions and answers, and learn the Art and Science and Mindset of a Pro Trader you may Join us by subscribing at

We have many subscribers from all over the world who are glad they did as they enjoy the many daily updates and commentaries provided at this exciting new site.

As you will see Rambus (Dave from The Ozark Mtns in Arkansas) has prepared us for this difficult period by being one of the only ones to see and warn about the incredibly debilitating PM smackdown as early as Jan 2 2012 …click on the” HUI Diamond in the Rough” Post in the “Wizard of Rambus” top right

More Recently Rambus called a Bottom in HUI in this post…and has had subscribers on board for a Powerful Run to the Upside

Followed again by his timely bearish call in this SLV Update which has had us on the sidelines and or short

What is he seeing Now ?

You will find Rambus to be a calm humble down home country tutor with an incredible repitoir of all the TA based protocols tempered with his own one of a kind style…simply put…He wants to keep his subscribers on the right side of these crazy volitile and downright dangerous markets
See you at the Rambus Chartology

Weekend Report… US Markets Signal Breakouts ?

Last week we looked at some of the stock markets from around the world. Today I would like to show you what is going on with our own stock markets on a weekly and monthly look. We really need to look at the longer term picture to get a feeling for what has been taking place over the last 13 years or so when most of the stock markets topped out in the spring of 2000.

What has been going on since the 2000 top has been a very large trading range for most US stock markets. Some US stock markets have made slightly new highs within their respective consolidation pattern while others have only reached as high as their 2000 top. I know a lot of analysis are looking for a much longer trading range with new lows for the US markets based primarily on the large consolidation pattern that formed in the US markets back from 1966 to 1982 which was an inflationary environment. Also there are some big long term cycles that are supposed to hit in 2013 and 2014 that would signal a deflationary event. For right now lets take a look at some of the US stock markets and see what they maybe telling us going forward.

The first US stock market I would like to show you is the SPX that has the 500 largest companies in the United States. This is a good index to show us how these big companies are doing as a whole. The first chart is a weekly look going back 7 years that shows the last top made in 2007 and the crash that occurred into the spring of 2009. What I want to focus in on is the uptrend channel that started off the crash lows that has been moving up for almost four years now. As cyclical bulls go this one is definitely getting long in the tooth if this is a cyclical bull market made off the 2009 crash lows. As you can see on the chart below there is a possible rising wedge forming that many will see as a bearish pattern. The way I’m looking at is, whichever way it breaks out will be the next big move for the SPX.

spx weekly

The next chart is a month look at the big trading range since the 2000 top. On the left side of the chart you can see the bull market that led up to the 2000 all time high back then. You can also see the the very nice reversal points within the big Expanding Flat Top Triangle. A touch of the top blue rail that is just slight above our current price will complete the pattern. We still won’t know which direction the market will go only that we have a completed flat top. Not always but most of the time when you have a flat top or flat bottom triangle the price action usually breaks through the horizontal trendline has been my experience. At the very least I would expect some resistance if the top horizontal rail is hit. From that point, if this cyclical bull markets is over, the price will start to fall. On the other hand if this is a continuation of the move off the 2009 bottom, as show by the chart above, and the top horizontal rail is decisively broken to the upside then we could very well be in a secular bull market that started at the 2009 lows. Only time will answer our question.

spx month

Lets look at the long term chart of the INDU that shows it was stronger than the SPX as this index made a higher high back at the 2007 cyclical bull market  top at 14,235 before it crashed. You can see in the cyclical bull move to the 2007 all time high had a red bullish rising wedge as a halfway pattern. Its still too early to say yet but our current cyclical bull market maybe forming another bullish rising wedge as a halfway pattern. If it is forming a bullish rising wedge then we can expect a move, in time and price that was made off of the 2009 bottom to the blue arrow at the first high in the red rising wedge, to repeat in the next leg up. If that turns out to be the case then the Dow Jones will breakout through the top rail of the expanding triangle completing the big consolidation pattern.

dow month

Lets look at the NYA that is a more broadly based index that has made a large 6 point triangle pattern. As you can see on the chart below it waited until the last moment to finally breakout. The rule of thumb for a triangle, when the price action breaks out close to the apex or the terminal end of the triangle, is that it’s suspect and loses its energy. I’ve seem them breakout and run and I’ve seen them fail. We will just watch the price action very close and see what happens.


Next lets look at the NDX 100 index which is made up of the 100 biggest cap technology companies in the US. There are some interesting things to note on the chart below. First, on the left side of the chart you can see the parabolic rise into the 2000 top. That parabolic rise was much larger than what occurred with the Dow Jones or the SPX so it has taken longer to recover. There is some very positive price action taking place on this chart that is showing a very nice entrenched uptrend move starting off of the 2009 bottom. Before we move on note that the 2009 low was much higher than the 2002 low whereas the Dow and SPX made lower lows in 2009 compared to the 2002 bottom. This tells us the NDX was washed out in the 2000 crash with many tech stocks losing 90% or more of their value. Now we see it making higher lows and higher high which is an uptrend. Note the H&S consolidation pattern made at the 2009 low and how symmetrical it is. Its been acting in text book fashion by breaking out of the blue triangle with the backtest creating the right shoulder of the H&S pattern. Note the breakout of the neckline and again the nice backtest. As with the Dow and SPX charts from above the NDX may also be forming a bullish rising flag.


Below is a chart of the COMPQ that I built a long time ago that shows some of the historical events and how they played out. This chart shows the price action breaking out of a beautiful blue triangle consolidation pattern with a breakout and backtest being completed.


The next chart I would like to show you is the RUT 2000 that is made up of small cap stocks. This is an important index to follow because if it’s showing strength, relative to the big caps, that means investors are feeling more comfortable and start to bid up the more riskier small cap stocks. This is similar to the Juniors mining companies in the precious metals arena. When the juniors are outperforming the big cap PM stocks that is a healthy sign overall. As you can see on the chart below the RUT 2000 is the first US stock market to move into new all time highs. All be it by a tiny fraction but the breakout has to start somewhere.


The Transportation Index maybe giving us one of the best signals that is suggesting the US stock markets maybe ready to rally to new all time highs. First lets look at the weekly chart that is showing a very nice blue symmetrical triangle with a smaller red triangle that has formed out at the apex. You can see it had a nice little breakout with a quick backtest and is now starting to rally higher.


I want to wrap up the report by showing you the most important chart that may give us the best clue that things are looking up for the US markets. As you well know the Transportation Average plays a key role in the health of the US markets. If the economy is picking up steam so should the transportation stocks that will be needed to move the goods being produced. As you can see on this long term monthly chart for the Transportantion Average there is a massively large H&S consolidation pattern forming. Its very beautiful and symmetrical in its formation. As you can see the triangle I showed you on the weekly chart above is actually the right shoulder. This is a powerful setup for the Transportation Average as the red triangle strongly suggests that there is now more than enough energy to take out the neckline.

trans port monthl

If the Transportation Average is telling us the truth about our US economy then it looks like things are going to start improving. I know how hard it is for alot of folks to believe that the stock markets can rally and rally big with all the negative news out there but if these charts, that I showed you tonight,  begin to breakout to the topside all the money the Fed has created will be looking for a place to go. It looks like alot of it will find its way into the US stock markets.

In the Wednesday Report we will look at some of the important indexes like the BKX, bank index and HGX housing index to see what they are up to. As they say we live in interesting times and I couldn’t agree more…All the best…Rambus


Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site where you can watch Rambus follow the markets on a daily basis and learn a great deal of Hands on Chartology from Rambus Tutorials and Question and Answers .

Most Members are Staunch Goldbugs who have seen Rambus in action from the 2007 to 2008 period at and now Here at Rambus Chartology since early 2012 .

To review his Work and incredible calls from the 2007-2008 period click on the top right sidebar in the “Wizard of Rambus” ….”What If ?! ”

To Follow Rambus Unique Unbiased Chart Work and participate in a Chartology Form with questions and answers, and learn the Art and Science and Mindset of a Pro Trader you may Join us by subscribing at

We have many subscribers from all over the world who are glad they did as they enjoy the many daily updates and commentaries provided at this exciting new site.

As you will see Rambus (Dave from The Ozark Mtns in Arkansas) has prepared us for this difficult period by being one of the only ones to see and warn about the incredibly debilitating PM smackdown as early as Jan 2 2012 …click on the” HUI Diamond in the Rough” Post in the “Wizard of Rambus” top right

More Recently Rambus called a Bottom in HUI in this post…and has had subscribers on board for a Powerful Run to the Upside

Followed again by his timely bearish call in this SLV Update which has had us on the sidelines and or short

What is he seeing Now ?

You will find Rambus to be a calm humble down home country tutor with an incredible repitoir of all the TA based protocols tempered with his own one of a kind style…simply put…He wants to keep his subscribers on the right side of these crazy volitile and downright dangerous markets
See you at the Rambus Chartology

Wednesday Report…A Look at the World Stock Makets Part 1

In this report I would like to show you some important stock markets from around the world that have broken out of triangle consolidation patterns and are in rally mode. You must clear your mind of all previously conceived notions that the world is coming to an end. At least for the foreseeable future, maybe six months to a year, most of the stock markets around the world are going to rally.

We here at Rambus Chartology have been throwing this idea around for sometime now about investing in the European Stock markets, but seeing that we are primarily a precious metals site we hesitated to present this view. As you well know the precious metals stocks have been one of the weakest performing sectors to put ones hard earned money into and try to make a decent profit. We finally decided that we should put the Model Portfolio to work in what are some of the stronger stock markets around the world. As I said earlier you have to look at the following charts with an open mind to grasp the significance of what is taking place outside our borders. With that said lets look at some etf’s from around the world.

Lets start with the VEU that is a world etf minus the US stock markets. This etf gives you a good look at what the world stock markets are doing without the US stock markets coloring the rally as the US markets have been one of the strongest stocks markets since the 2009 crash. As you can see the VEU broke out of a beautiful symmetrical triangle, had a nice backtest to the top blue rail and has started it’s next leg up.

veu world markets

Lets take a look at the emerging markets and see how they have been performing. I have been watching this ten point diamond consolidation pattern for a very long time. Until it finally broke up and through the top blue rail I couldn’t be sure which way it would finally move. My question was answered about 8 weeks ago when it finally finished the backtesting process and started to rally. I took this weekly chart back 7 years so you could see the big H&S topping patterns and the crash that ensued once they were completed. As you can see we are not that far off now from it’s all time highs around the 50 area. Whats important to understand, when you look at these charts, is that most of them you will see have been in at least a one year consolidation pattern and some even longer. My goal is to catch the impulse moves out of these consolidation pattern because that is where the real money will be made. Big consolidation patterns are for traders and breakouts are for the intermediate to longer term in investors.

eem week

This next chart, $EUR Top 100 index that focuses in on the European stocks markets that shows it broke out of a very nice ascending triangle and finished it’s backtest last week. This index is just now breaking out and looks like it has a decent move ahead regardless of what the news headlines are telling us.


Before we move on to some of the etf’s I will recommend I want to show you a few ratio charts that compare gold and the HUI to some of the etf’s shown above. These chart will show you which is the stronger place to put ones capital to work which is what investing is all about. Regardless of all the news headlines, charts don’t lie. They encompass everything about the stock from the fundamentals, to the bullish case, to the bearish case and whatever else one wants to through into the mix. All the information is in the chart patterns. Its the interpretation of the charts is where the problems lies for most chartists as everyone has there own methodology in which to unlock the secrets of a chart.

First lets compare the VEU world stock market etf to gold to see which one is more bullish at this time. After breaking out of a beautiful 7 point triangle reversal pattern the VEU encounter the next overhead resistance rail that was the extended top blue rail of the huge blue triangle formed back in 2009 to 2011. Note the nice gap of that top resistance rail. That lets us know that rail is hot and will most likely hold support if it’s tested from the topside now. This chart tells us the world stock markets are now outperforming gold.

veu to old

Now lets compare the VEU to the HUI and see what it looks like. Folks this chart should make you stand up and take notice. After completing the blue 5 point bullish falling wedge in late summer of 2011 this ratio chart has been outperforming the HUI. Now I want to focus your attention to the right side of the chart where you can see this ratio has just broken out of a red  bullish rising flag formation. As long as this ratio is rising the world stock markets are outperforming the HUI. One must ask themselves a serious question right here. Should I remain in the big cap precious metals stocks because of principal or should I take advantage of the big divergence taking place right now with this ratio chart in favor of the world stock markets. Only you can answer that question.

vew to hui

Lets now compare the European top 100 index, $EUR, to the price of gold and see how it looks. When the price action is rising the EUR is outperforming gold. As you can see on the chart below this ratio has been consolidating for quite sometime now in a rising flag formation. Its testing the top blue rail as we speak so a breakout can occur at anytime.

eur to gold

This next chart compares the $EUR to the HUI. Its now testing the brown shaded support and resistance zone that goes all the way back to highs made back in 2009 and 2010. With just a little more strength this ratio is going to hit a five year high. As you can see on the chart below the EUR 100 index has been outperforming the HUI since the fall of 2011. What is that saying about the HUI, that can’t even outperform the European stock markets, that have been in the headlines for a long time now on how bad things are over there?

euro to hui

Lets now compare gold to the EEM, emerging markets and see which one is showing some strength in here. This ratio made a huge double bottom with the first bottom being made in 2009 and the second bottom forming in October of 2011. This ratio chart is also showing a very nice red triangle reversal pattern that has broken out to the topside about 6 weeks ago. I will be watching with great interest on how this ratio interacts with the double bottom trendline which is still above the current price. Right now the EEM is outperforming gold over the last six weeks.


Now for the last chart for this part 1 report lets look at the EEM to the HUI ratio that is showing the emerging markets are now breaking out compared to the HUI. Four weeks ago this ratio broke above the double bottom hump with a nice breakout gap. Six weeks ago it broke out of the red bull flag pattern. You now have to go all the way back to 2008 to find a higher price for this ratio. Its very possible we could see a backtest to the double bottom trendline at 1.00 before this ratio moves higher buy no guarantee.

eem to hui

What these ratio chart are showing us is that there is some very significant outperformance by basically the rest of the world stock markets. This is a big deal IMHO as its telling us that investors are seeing better value in most of the world stock markets. They are taking money that normally would be going into the precious metals complex and putting it to work else where for a better return on their money as the ratio charts above are showing. We can listen to all the news stories on how bad the world economies are and how the precious metals complex is going to save us all. In the end that might very well be the case but for right now, at this moment, I believe there are better investments to be made to grow ones capital. I will have part 2 tomorrow and show you some of the individual stock market etf’s that I think will do very well over the next 6 months to a year. Until tomorrow…All the best….Rambus.

GDXJ Update….

Its been a while since I last updated the GDXJ junior gold stock index. Of all the precious metals stock indexes this index has the nicest looking bearish falling wedge pattern which has been trading below the bottom red rail for 6 days in a row now. Also the blue 5 point triangle reversal pattern is the cleanest of all the PM stock indexes to.

gdxj day 1

Lets now look at an 18 month daily chart that puts the above patterns into perspective. If you recall when the double bottom was complete and the price action broke above the double bottom hump it looked like, at the time, that we were well on our way to a nice big rally for the precious metals stocks. You can see the nice breakout and backtest to the double bottom trendline or the support and resistance rail, S&R rail, that showed everything was a go. After a week or so of rally the GDXJ began to correct, top of blue 5 point triangle reversal pattern. Even at that point everything still looked good as it was about time for a small correction. As the correction wore on the GDXJ couldn’t make any higher highs inside the blue triangle but the bottom blue rail held as support. Still this was a fairly normal correction. Then the breakout to the downside hit with a vengeance and in just 2 days the bottom rail of the blue triangle and the S&R rail were broken to the downside. That was a key technical failure and when we got our little backtest to the underside of the S&R rail that is where I put the model portfolio back into cash. I hated to do it but the breakdown left me no choice. Now what we have is a bearish setup with one pattern above the S&R rail and one below.

gdxj 2

Next lets look at the weekly chart that is showing just how weak this junior index is. You can see our two pattern from the chart above, the blue triangle and the red falling wedge. We are not that far above the all time lows that formed back in May of this year.

dgxj weeekly

Normally when the precious metals stocks are in strong uptrends one likes to see the juniors outperforming the big caps as that suggests money is flowing freely and investors want to to take more risks so they bid up the juniors. Below is a ratio chart that compares the GDXJ to the GDX that is showing the junior mining companies are now rolling over to the downside after hitting resistance at the brown shaded area. This is not a healthy sign if you own the precious metals stocks.

gdxj to gdx

Merry Christmas Everyone…

Thanks for those kind words Fully.

When we opened the doors to the Rambus Chartology site a little over a year ago we were as green as the grass grows. We didn’t know what to expect or what kind of problems we may encounter along the way. All we knew was that we wanted to create a website that would compete with best  websites out there. We have come along way from day one as the hits to Rambus Chartology has increased dramatically over the course of the year.

We are working on adding some new features that should help with the registration process as our growing pains now warrants the need to do that.

We are always open to any suggestions on what you, as a subscriber would like to see. Just send an e mail or post your ideas at the forum.

There is alot of behind the scenes work that goes on each day that nobody really sees and that is the way it should be. Your experience here should be full of information that is easy to find.

First, I would like to thank my editor Sir Fullgoldcrown who has done a masterful job of keeping our site updated and easy to follow. Without his input things would go downhill pretty fast. He has a great sense of humor that keeps us all in high spirits.

Next, I would like to thank audept who actually created our website from scratch using his vast knowledge of computers and how the internet works. He is constantly doing updates and things behind the scenes to make our site faster and safe.

Next my wife whom some of you have communicated with about your pay pal accounts that were having some trouble. She also understands the amount of time I spend each and everyday analyzing charts so I can paint a picture for you on what the markets are telling me. Without these three energetic people Rambus Chartology would not exist. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard, behind the scenes work, that keeps our website up and going at full speed.

Lastly I want to thank each and every subscriber who has paid with your hard earned money in hopes of making it grow. I just want you to know that I will always have your best interest foremost in the front of my mind. I will always tell you what the charts are telling me even if its not what you want to hear.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2013….All the best…Rambus