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Fullgoldcrown (for Rambus and Audept)

Weekend Report : HUI Diamond in the Rough

In this weekend report we are going to look at the many faces of the HUI going from the daily, short term look, all the way out to the beginning of its existence on the monthly chart. As you well know the HUI has been in a sideways chopping mode for over a year now and no clear resolution yet as to what kind of chopping pattern we are building. Is it a consolidation pattern that will breakout to the upside, which most analysis think is going to happen, or is it going to be a big topping pattern that few are seeing at this point in time. I’ll try to strip away all the noise and see what the charts are telling us in an unbiased look into the future.

Before we dive into the charts for the HUI I want to start this post with a weekly look at the CDNX which was the only index we had, early on in the bull market, to gauge how the little junior precious metals stocks were doing. As you can see on the chart below the CDNX had a very good run from 2000 to 2006 where it began to digest the gains from the six year bull run. I want to focus your attention to the big blue topping pattern that started in 2006 and went on for 2 1/2 years. At the time it was forming no one knew if it was going to be a consolidation pattern or big top. As we were in a bull market, that horizontal trading range should have broken to the upside. As the pattern started to mature there were several clues that this wasn’t at all a consolidation pattern but a big giant top. You can see my annotations from that time where I said you can call this pattern anything you want, a double top, triple top, rectangle or even a H&S. I said at the time the bottom blue rail was the most important rail on pattern. Below it was negative and above positive. As it turned out the little juniors started their decline way ahead of the big cap PM stocks signaling the end of that phase of the bull market. There are two very important clues that led me to believe the 2 1/2 year sideways move was going to end up being a massive topping pattern. The clues are subtle but they are there. First clue was when we failed to reach the top of the big trading range on the last rally attempt, red circle on chart. That failure looked innocent enough but it was telling me we may have run out of energy. The second big clue was the little red triangle that formed at the end of the big trading range. Once that triangle broke to the downside the bottom of the trading range gave way in dramatic fashion. There were alot of hard core gold bugs that couldn’t believe the bull market could betray them like that and rode the whole move down. I won’t mention any names fully, but the carnage was complete when the final low came in. The lesson to be learned from that 2 1/2 year sideways move is never be married to a stock or index as they can divorce you in a heartbeat and feel no remorse. The reason I’m showing you this chart on the CDNX is that it may pertain to our present day trading range on the HUI.

CDNX weekly 2 1/2 year trading range turns out to be a top not a consolidation pattern.

Now lets move on the the HUI keeping in mind the two important clues, the failure of the last rally attempt to reach the top resistance rail and the triangle pattern that formed at the end of the 2 1/2 year trading range. The 6 month trading range on the HUI shows a very similar setup to the end of the 2 1/2 year trading range on the CDNX. First note the blue triangle is a 5 point triangle reversal pattern where the 5th reversal point failed to reach the top rail. Sound familiar. And as you will see the blue triangle will play a very important role in a pattern that only subscribers of Rambus Chartology will see. I will go out on a limb here and say I’m probably the only chartists on the planet that is viewing this sideways trading range as a Diamond pattern.

HUI daily triangle with failed last rally attempt.

This next chart of the HUI will show you why the blue triangle and the failure at point 5 on the chart above plays a key role in understanding the finishing touches to a much bigger pattern, an eleven point Diamond top reversal pattern. I’ve labeled the reversal points with red numbers and circled the 11th reversal point that failed to make it all the way up to the top blue rail of the triangle. So for your eyes only the eleven point Diamond Top.

HUI  daily 11 point Diamond top.

There are several more patterns of this year long trading range  that I will show you in just a bit but there are two more things I want you to see on the 11 point Diamond. First, notice where the breakout came. It came on a breakout gap at 545 vs a breakout of the bottom rail of the expanding triangle that will come in at 480 or 65 points lower. The second thing is that the HUI has been in breakout mode for well over three weeks already. So the Diamond pattern is giving us an earlier heads up compared to the other patterns I will show you next. These next chart patterns are all valid and will confirm the 11 point Diamond top when they break thru their bottom support rails.

First is the expanding triangle that everybody is seeing. I’ve labeled the 7th reversal point as failure. An odd number of reversal points equals a reversal pattern.

HUI daily 7 point expanding triangle.

This next chart of the HUI is a line chart that shows two more equally important reversal patterns. The first one is an unbalanced H&S top pattern. There are two left shoulders and one right shoulder thus creating an unbalanced H&S. The other pattern on this line chart is a flat bottom expanding triangle. The rule of thumb is that the pattern usually breaks out through the flat rail, in this case the bottom. In the case of a flat top triangle the breakout usually comes through the top rail. Notice last weeks breakdown and now possible backtest to the flat bottom rail. We will have confirmation the top is in when the gravity of the bottom rail finally lets go and prices start to drop in earnest. We are close.

HUI daily line chart showing an unbalanced H&S top and flat bottom triangle.

Now I want to look further out in time showing the HUI unbalanced H&S top and compare it to what we are seeing with gold. This next chart is a comparison chart with the HUI on top and Gold on the bottom. This weekly look shows how the HUI and gold tend to form similar chart patterns and breakout at the same time. Even tho gold has been much stronger than the HUI the patterns are very similar in nature. I would like you to take a good hard look at the yellow areas on the chart below. You will see both the HUI and Gold formed H&S tops back at the 2008 high. The big caps ended up being much weaker than gold but they both formed reversal patterns at same time and bottomed at the same time. Now look to our most recent area in yellow. You can clearly see the unbalanced H&S top on both the HUI and Gold. If you look real close at the last bar on the chart you can see gold broke it’s neckline last week where the HUI did not. Both those unbalanced H&S tops look very ominous to me. I think we are getting very close for the other shoe to drop once we get the backtests  over with.

HUI and Gold weekly combo chart showing 2008 and 2011 H&S tops.

Below is a weekly chart showing the many faces of our one year trading range. Call it what you will but the break of the bottom rail will signal the top is in that is reversing the uptrend off the 2008 crash low.

Weekly one year trading range creating several different topping patterns.

The monthly chart shows all the price action of the HUI since coming on line in 1996. Its really a very beautiful chart that shows all the nice consolidation patterns and the beautiful symmetry of the massive H&S base that was made to launch the bull market for the big cap precious metals stocks. If you look to the right side of the chart you will see one more reversal pattern that is part of the multiple reversal patterns in our one year trading range. Its a bearish rising wedge. Early on I was looking at that rising wedge as a bullish rising wedge consolidation pattern but the bottom rail kept getting broken to the downside and then we would rally back up into the pattern. So I gave up on that pattern and concentrated the other aspects of the side ways trading range which proved to be more useful. Note the HUI was down 86.04 points for the month of December. According to all the seasonality charts this was supposed to be one of the strongest times of the year for precious metals stocks. I think this weakness, during this time of the year, is another big clue the top is close to completing on the HUI.

HUI monthly look.


I want to end this post by looking at the 11 point diamond reversal pattern again and show a possible scenario if indeed the top is in. I don’t think we will get a crash type event but more of a slower grind lower. Reverse symmetry plays a big role in how markets behave after a top or bottom has been put in. How we went up, in this case, will play a direct role on how we may come down. You can see when we formed a triangle halfway pattern on the way up in 2010 and there is a possibility that we may form some kind of halfway pattern on the way down to the brown area that shows where I will be looking for some support to come in. That area is roughly 340 to 365. There is a 62% retrace off the 2008 low to the 2011 high that comes in at 338.

HUI 11 point Diamond top showing possible reverse symmetry going down.

So there you have it. The many faces of the HUI that maybe telling us a very interesting story if we listen. The 11 point Diamond top pattern has given us an early warning by already breaking out 45 points and 3 weeks ago. The scenario on the chart above that may or may not play out but it gives us a road map on what to look for.

I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Years and may the charts tell their story in a way we can take advantage of the situation. All the best ..Rambus


DOW Update

Last week I presented a chart of the Dow that showed a possible H&S consolidation pattern. Since that time the Dow has failed to break the neckline, to the upside, as this weeks action wore on. Potential patterns are just that until you get confirmation of a breakout on heavy volume. Neither has occurred with the Dow. It looks like the potential neckline is now going to act a the top rail of a bearish rising wedge. I left the annotations in place on the possible H&S consolation pattern on the chart  below so you can see what has transpired.  Usually after about 4 or 5 days, when you trade at a resistance rail and fail to get through, the stock will usually give up and start to decline. I think this is what we are about to see now. I’ve labeled the bearish rising wedge with red numbers. If we take out the bottom rail that will complete a 5 point reversal pattern which is what we want to see as the markets have been rising. This Dow chart will be a good proxy for adding to your short ETF’s as this is a low risk setup. We have a line in the sand with the top rail of the bearish rising wedge now in place.

Dow Jones daily potential 5 point bearish rising wedge.

Deja Vu ?

Hi its Fully here

I was just going through Goldtent archives and came across a series of posts by Rambus from 2008…which he called “What If”

March 28th 2008

These Posts from the old Goldtent site lost in the shuffle to the new site

March 31 2008

We were on a great run in 2008 and Rambus was hot…and bullish…making one great PO after another…then suddenly he turned bearish and Many scoffed at him….here is one of his charts from that era…just to show you …he projected HUI 145….I though he was a raving lunatic !! HUI dropped to 149 shortly thereafter !

Now I Pay attention when Rambus Speaks !

and here is what happened

and how about this ONE for Perfection….sheesh Rambus !

Gold Bottomed where ?

695 !

Then there’s this chart of Oil calling for 35 after a parabolic move to 145 ! Which is exactly where it went !

Rambus Quote from the 2008 era

I just want to say the reason I haven’t posted much lately is because I know I am in the small minority here and you all don’t need somebody with a bearish mindset to make you feel insecure about your long term positions. It isn’t about being right or wrong for me, about keeping it true. If the market changes I have to change or I will get left behind or trapped in a position that will be hard to recover from. I know most here are long term bulls with a long term look at things so until the market changes to the more positive side I will just post once a week or if something important happens to bring it to your attention.
All the best…Rambus

S&P 500 Update

Yesterday we got to within 2.63 points of hitting the sell/stop that I showed last week. We are still at a very critical area right here. We need to see the SPX close back below the downtrend rail and back into the triangle. The whole rally of the last 6 days or so has been on diminishing volume and that is why I called into question the breakout. Remember we are using the S&P 500 as a proxy for the other stocks that are listed on the sidebar. Just in case you missed it, yesterday we added UUP to the model portfolio which is long the dollar.

S&P 500 daily sell/stop at 1272.

Fully Gets a Lecture on Day Trading

How do I start. I can’t believe you day traded the model portfolio yesterday. I thought we had a game plan that we were going to use. Here we are the first day out of the H&S and bingo its time to day trade. I don’t get it Gary. Did your emotions get the better of you? What changed from last week when everything you tried to trade went against you? Unless you can tell me that the devil came to your house this last weekend, for a drink, and you discussed with him that you wanted to be a day trader for your soul then that’s a different story. But if the devil didn’t come to your house for your day trading soul then there’s a problem. Gary your not a day trader, I’m not a day trader and there are damn few day traders that can do it day in and day out. Discipline and having control of ones emotions are the two biggest factors for being successful in the markets. What yesterday’s trade will do to you is embolden you to try it again and again because you got lucky. But I can assure you it won’t work. What you did is called sabotaging the trade. What if ZSL kept going up and you couldn’t get back in at a lower price? Do you chase it higher, do you wait for it to come back down or do you stay out altogether because your afraid now that it has gotten away from you. I’m trying to be gentle Gary but if we don’t have any discipline and a game plan to follow, for the markets, its like taking candy from a baby. If you feel the compulsion to day trade could you please do it with just 25% of the model portfolio? I hope you take this as constructive criticism because that’s all it is. What strikes me as odd Gary is how you can sit on a losing gold stocks for years and not trade it and then once the model portfolio starts to show alittle gain its time to day trade. Please tell me you made a pact with the devil so you can day trade and we’ll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams. Your brother in the Ozarks….Rambus

Weekend Report…..Picture Perfect

Last week I showed many H&S patterns that were still in the developing stage of their right shoulders. This week we got the neckline breakdown from their H&S topping patterns that is suggesting, in no uncertain terms, that deflation is going to rear it’s ugly head. Just about every index I showed you in the last Weekend Report have broken their necklines. To make this breakout “Picture Perfect” is for a small counter trend rally back up to the underside of the necklines which would be the last bit of work that needs to be done before the next impulse leg down gets underway in a big way. This would be a good place to reread last weekend’s report on all the H&S patterns that were still trading above their necklines. http://rambus1.com/?p=1583. As this weeks price action was so critical to the big picture, we’ll look at those same H&S topping patterns, from last weeks report again, so you can follow along and see the breakout process up close and personal.

We’ll start with the all important US Dollar index that is most critical in understanding the big picture. I used a line chart that showed how the dollar had already broken the neckline and was in the process of doing it’s backtest. So far its picture perfect.

US Dollar weekly line chart with H&S breakout and backtest complete.

Next is a weekly look at the Euro and it’s inverse look to the dollar. If the dollar is putting in a H&S bottom then the Euro is putting in a H&S top. This bar chart shows this weeks breakout from the H&S top formation. One nice long bar through the neckline says it all. The only question now is if we’ll get a backtest to the underside of the neckline.

Xeu weekly H&S top breaking the neckline.

I have been showing the gold to the US Dollar ratio chart for awhile now. Last week I said it was a very ominous looking chart and that if it broke the neckline, to the downside, would not be a very good sign for gold. As you know gold fell hard this week against the US dollar which broke the neckline confirming the H&S pattern has topped. We could now see a short term rally to the underside of the neckline as it’s backtest before the next impulse leg down gets started in earnest.

Gold to the US Dollar ratio chart showing the breakdown from the neckline.

The next chart is the CDNX index where many of the small cap mining and oil companies are located. You can see the CDNX is still building out the right shoulder of it’s H&S top. If you own a bunch of small cap mining companies this is a good chart to keep a close eye on because it led the precious metals stocks lower back in the 2008 crash.

CDNX small cap index working on the completion of it’s right shoulder.

Last week the CCI commodities index was sitting right on the neckline. This week you can clearly see it has broken support at the neckline. I hope I’m painting a clear picture of what is unfolding right before our very eyes.

CCI weekly H&S breakout. Will we get the backtest?

Platinum was also sitting above it’s neckline as last weeks trading ended. This week you can clearly see the neckline was broken. If Platinum is breaking down so must the other precious metals. Again you can see where there is just a little wiggle room for a backtest to the neckline.

Platinum weekly H&S breakout.

Lets now focus on silver and gold to see how this weeks price action showed the completion of several H&S patterns. First, SLV broke it’s small, right shoulder H&S pattern on Tuesday of this last week. You can see the huge gap that formed on the breakout move. Here again you can see the potential for a backtest to either the neckline or just high enough to close the big gap. So alittle strength at the beginning of the week should be expected for the backtest move. Should be expected but not guaranteed.

SLV daily H&S breakout of right shoulder.

The daily chart for silver shows the breakout from the small H&S, above chart,  that formed the right shoulder of the much bigger H&S topping pattern. What this weeks action did was break two H&S pattern necklines,  the small right shoulder and the big H&S top neckline. A backtest to 31.50 should offer stiff resistance if we get it.

Silver H&S top with 2 necklines being broken this week.

A week ago I showed this chart on Gold showing the fanlines. At the time we were sitting right on black fanline # 2. You can see the big gap that accompanied the breakout from fanline #2  on Monday. The third fanline didn’t offer any support as we plowed right through a potential support rail. If we get any type of counter trend rally this week I would expect that fanline # 3 would act as resistance.

GLD daily fanlines.

One last chart for Gold. You can see that we could be building a serious H&S topping pattern going all the way back to May of this year. As with silver, GLD formed a beautiful small H&S right shoulder,  of the much bigger H&S pattern. I put a red circle around the breakout of the two necklines. Any little counter trend rally to backtest the necklines should be stopped at the 161 area which would be a good low risk entry point for short.

GLD daily H&S breakout and possible backtest.

So the bottom line is that last weeks big decline for the risk off trade is starting to confirm that a serious bout of deflation maybe starring us directly in the eyes. Its no coincidence that we are seeing so many H&S tops being completed. Alittle strength this week should be expected that will put the last nail in the coffin showing that deflation and the risk off trade is how you want to play the markets going forward. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again its time to protect your hard earned capital by whichever means necessary. Keep in mind that markets go down alot faster than they go up.

All the best…….Rambus

UUP and XEU neckline backtest

With so many H&S patterns breaking out this week I always look for the backtest to the necklines as a low risk entry point. The UUP daily chart shows this weeks breakout of it’s neckline and it looks like we are in the process of getting our backtest. It looks like 22.40 will do the trick which is about 10 cents below today’s price. I really want to see the backtest fulfilled just to confirm the big one year neckline is HOT.

UUP daily H&S breakout and backtest.

If the dollar is breaking out of the top of it’s neckline then the XEU is breaking out of the bottom of it’s neckline. As you can see the XEU has broken down from it’s H&S top, this week, and could be ready to backtest the neckline from below. Again I would like to see the backtest completed to confirm one more time for me the neckline is HOT.